>uneasy warmth<

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"Well yeah I get manic when I cause a panic""And of course I'm excited when I see you around"

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"Well yeah I get manic when I cause a panic"
"And of course I'm excited when I see you around"

"Shouldn't you've cleaned this up in the first place? It's not a good cover up and it's just wrong on so many levels" I asked Afton as I stared at the corpse in the old animatronic.

The uneasy feeling hadn't left my stomach and my throat felt gross. Not an ideal situation in any way.

"I thought it was better than keeping it out in the open" William responded, putting on some gloves.

"Well it's the source of the smell so we have to get rid of it."

"Are you volunteering to clean it up?"

"No. You need to deal with your own mess."

" I was only teasing, love. We wouldn't want to get caught, now would we?"

"We?! You did this, not me."

"And who do you think is keeping the secret?"

I sighed in defeat, "Just clean up the mess."

It took until closing, but the room finally got cleaned. I had spent most of the time getting stains off of the floor while William dealt with the "animatronics".

Shivering as I left the room, Henry greeted me with a frown.

"Wendy got into some trouble with a guest... I can drive you to the hospital if you'd like" Henry spoke, regret lacing his voice.

"Wen's in the hospital?! What happened?! Is she okay?!" I panicked.

"I'll explain on the way, William can you lock up tonight?" William nodded to Henry, walking towards his office.

"Wendy is going to be okay, she was just pushed into the ball pit by some teens... maybe I should let her explain the rest" Henry told me as we entered his car. Wen and I usually walked to work so her car wasn't here.

"Well at least she'll be okay, I thought you meant she was stabbed 14 times. Jeez."



"Um... okay..."

We soon arrived at the hospital and I rushed in to Wen's room.

"I lived bitch" Wen joked as she sat on the hospital bed with her leg up.

"I thought you were fucking stabbed, what the hell happened?!" I questioned, standing in front of her bed.

"Okay so these like 15 year old kids were being little turds, so I told them off like usual, but they didn't like that so they tripped me-"

"And you fell in the ball pit?"

"Not yet. I got kinda mad so I gave them hotdog water instead of their coke or whatever..."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Anyways, they didn't appreciate it, so they shoved me into the ball pit and my leg got stuck in one of the foam mats in front of it when I fell and my leg kinda just snapped."


"Yeah. I got a lot of glares from Karens cause I yelled a lot of curse words."

"Oh good, you're back. Wendy can leave the hospital if you drive her, she'll have crutches for a while but should be okay" A doctor said, entering the room.

"Here's your medical bills by the way..." The doctor handed Wen a piece of paper causing her eyes to widen.


"You're not even on life support dumbass!!" I yelled back, snatching the paper from her hands.

"NEVER MIND, I THINK IT'S BEST TO PULL THE PLUG, DOCTOR PERSON!!" I shouted seeing the amount on the paper.

"If you want, you could ask William about side jobs, he seems to have a few and I'm sure he'd appreciate help" Henry suggested.

"I'm gonna commit scooter ankle I swear to fuck, why did I move to the US!" I cried over the bill.

The thought of working more with William didn't seem to bad, until I remembered what his "side job" was.

something i don't understand   |   William Afton x OCWhere stories live. Discover now