Chapter three

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Ellie's POV.

When I got up this morning I made myself breakfast for the first time in probably a few weeks since normally I get up and go straight to work. I took off today since I was meeting up with Miles in an hour and I didn't want to bother hurrying for work afterwards. After I set my plate in the sink, I grabbed my hair brush, make up bag, and my outfit I had picked out last night. I didn't want to make it seem like I wanted to look nice I just wanted it to seem like I always look this good naturally. Once I had my make up and hair done I slipped my jeans over my legs and threw on a pretty white top, This outfit is my go to look when I wanna look hot but casual.

I had to park almost a block away since all the parking spots had been taken and I was slightly okay with that so Miles wouldn't have to see my ten year old car compared to his probably very expensive car. When I walked in I immediately spotted Miles sitting at a table for two near the back with two drinks waiting. I walked over and sat across from him with a smile on my face hoping he won't notice how nervous I really am.

"Hey" he clears his throat.


"Sorry if this is weird. I just figured we should go over some ground rules before actually announcing it" I just nod along.

How many rules could he have? It seems simple enough but I suppose he's in charge because this was in fact his whole idea. I'm just here to pay my bills.

"I agree" I smile as he shakes his head like he doesn't want me to see this as anything else other than business so I wipe the smile off my face.

"First, I will pay you twice as much as the strip club is currently paying you. So how much like five hundred a week?"

"No, two hundred a week" I look down at my coffee he ordered me and conveniently it's my favorite drink I usually get at any coffee place I go to.

"That's it? Okay well I'm fine with five hundred anyways" He sighs as I look back up to meet my eyes with his "let me know if you need more throughout the weeks"

"Miles that's a lot of money"

"Don't worry about it Ellie" he smiles before returning back to his natural serious expression on his face "next thing, I have rules and of course you're allowed to have rules too but these are mine"

I nod as he sips his coffee making me wait impatiently. I'm not a patient person and I never have been. If I want something I hate waiting and I would definitely say it's not my best trait but I'm getting better at it.

"First rule, we have to be friends for this to work. It doesn't make sense to not get along in private and pretend to date one another in public. We don't have to be besties but we should get along" he says as he connects his hands together and places them on the table in front of me.

"I agree completely" I smile "but that means you can't always be this serious"

"Second rule, you can't ask questions. Meaning you can't ask me about personal things" he nods ignoring what I said to try and make him smile at least "and last rule is a bit weird to put out there but I have to. You can't fall in love with me Ellie, I like you and I would rather not be the one to hurt you"

I hope that he's not this serious going through with this because We won't be besties if he is. Im usually a very happy person and I try to ignore the things that could bring me down but this man is basically the opposite of me. He's so straight forward and grumpy. In school people would tease me for being so happy considering what I had been going through a at that time period of my life. I mean your father cheating on your mother causing her to kill herself only a week later isn't the easiest thing to go through but when my grandma told me that others were homeless and starving while their families died in the war I figured I hadn't gotten it all that bad.

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