Chapter ten

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Miles POV.

When I woke up I was alone in bed and that's normal except for the fact that I wasn't in my bed. I was in Ellie's bed and she was nowhere to be found. I stood up and walked around before finding Ellie on the floor with clothes all around her and a suitcase on her lap. She looked up at me and gave me that real smile. I raised my eyebrow and she just giggled to herself.

"I'm packing to go to your moms" she answers my thoughts. "I also wanted to thank you for last night... I needed that and well you're just a really good friend to me, so thank you" friend. I'm not sure why but that word sounded awful when she said it.

"Yeah, don't worry about it" I shrug before grabbing my keys and jacket "hey I'm gonna go pack and I'll be back in an hour to pick you up to go"

"Okay" she smiles but it's not the same. It's fake.

"See you, sunshine" I fake my own fake smile before walking out the door. I feel bad for leaving such short notice but I have to if we want to make it to my moms by dinner time. Her house isn't too far but it is a whole hour away and I want to have time to show Ellie around.

Once I was packed I called Ryan to let him know I was going to be out for the weekend. He understood and told me to just keep in shape while I was away. Understandable. I tossed my suitcase in my truck before driving to Ellie's apartment.

Once I got there I saw her standing in the cold with her suitcase beside her. She was smiling but her cheeks were rosy red from the cold air. I nodded as she ran to my truck and hoped in after putting her suitcase in the back seat with mine.

"Cold?" I smirk as she warms up her hands against the heater.

"Very" she giggled "how far is the drive?"

"An hour, it isn't as bad once we're off the highway and out of the city" I nod turning out of the parking lot.

"Okay, I'm gonna read a bit" she smiles pulling out her book and starting off where her bookmark was placed.

Only an hour later of Ellie pointing out all the horses and cows we saw on the side of the road while we played the license plate game. She didn't read for long until she opened her mouth and didn't shut it until I pulled into the house I grew up in. The house I hated and loved and the house my dad built for my mom and us. My mom always said that's what made her fall for him was the day he showed her the land he had bought for her to start building their house they were going to grow old in. I told myself I would do that for my future wife when I got older but I can't see myself doing that now.

"Wow you're house is really pretty" Ellie smiles as she climbs out and stretch's her back out "how long did you live here?"

"Since I was born. My dad built this house for my mom before they were even engaged and it was always my favourite story about him" I smiled admiring how the structure of the house hasn't aged at all. It's exactly as I remember it growing up.

"Miles!" There it is. My mothers loud, kind voice from the front porch. Ellie hid behind me and I laughed at her before waving to my mom "oh let me help you!" My mom came running down the driveway to greet us.

She walked right past me and pulled Ellie in for a hug. Ellie looked at me like she was seeing two heads on me. I smiled and my mom pulled away and gave Ellie a real good look.

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