Chapter 18 control

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"Xavier..." I let his name slip through my mouth, his expression lit up and he then closed his eyes as he lift himself away from me.

Inhaling deeply, he looked down, ashamed even. I then broke out of that deep phase I was in, I couldn't tell wether I liked it or not.

I stood up right and looked at him, he was fiddling with his hands, he looks nervous, very nervous. Had I caused him to be in this position? Am I a bad person to make him feel so...

"You know?" He then said, I almost jumped at his sudden words between the silents. "-- I never really had control, not ever... I never learned how to control myself." I looked at him as he slouched his broad shoulders, I wanted to tell him that it was okay, that I understand him but I didn't speak. Was I a horrible person to not speak?

He then stood up and I regretted not grabbing the chance I had to speak, I was too late. he then walked to the door, and as he was about to open it, he spoke "but I'll learn how to control my demons for you... Bea." It was soft and almost hard to hear, but I heart him loud and clear, as if my heart wanted to heart those words.

He stepped out, leaving me with a shot of guilt burrowing in my chest, I couldn't even tell him anything, I felt as if he admitted how much he wanted me, well he did. But I couldn't even acknowledge anything he said, It was pathetic of me. I was pathetic. So very pathetic.

Soon an elder woman came in carrying a tray with a turkey sandwich that smelled really good, my stomach growled crazily, begging for the food, but I couldn't just grab the sandwich cause the elder woman looked as shocked as me, well maybe her expression surpassed mine.

"Well... Hello." She said in a mellow tone, Her expression soften as she somehow seem to realize something, she place the tray beside me on the bed and sat next to me. "Hello..." I hesitated to grab the sandwich, and smiled at her. "Is this for me?"

"I'm guess yeah, pretty much." She smiled, her sweet chocolates colored cheeks made me feel more comfortable, she was an elder woman who looked like she was around her 60's yet kept her radiance with her.

"Thank you." As I picked up the sandwich, I took a savoring bite and almost moaned cause it was so damn good, I looked over at her, she was cheekily smiling at me, well I guess I looked really childish biting into the sandwich like that.

After taking a few more childish bites, "I'm sorry that I'm such a burden." Feeling really ashamed that he goes through all this effort just for me, To her even.

"Dearie, don't be... I'm glad I did this." I looked at her and gave her a wholehearted smile.

I didn't really understood why she was glad though,but her expression towards me was like she finally understood something. Ever since she saw me, like she was at ease since she entered the room.

After I finish the delectable sandwich, I finally had my sense to ask her who she was, "I'm Sonia, the house cook."

"It's very nice to meet you, and your sandwich was amazing...I'm Bea by the way."

"Lovely you are, I knew he would fall for such a woman." She then gently pressed her hand on my cheek, it was almost motherly.

"It seems that you know him very much?"

"Oh yes, I've known him ever since he was a pup."

"Pup?" I repeated, she shook her head in amusement almost like she was laughing, "no, not like that... It's a term we use to call toddlers."

I nodded my head, "he can be very aggressive and hot headed..." Well that didn't surprised me, he does seem to have a side like that.

"--but," she smiled at me "--I knew he holds purity and love deep inside. He's just afraid to show his vulnerability..."

Squeezing my hands she then looked me in the eye with a gleeful expression. "My dear, please understand him."

I couldn't say anything, I was more overwhelmed when she told me that; almost as if I was needed...

She then chuckled and stood up, picking up the tray of what's left of my meal, before she left she said "dearie, I know you may not understand now but you will, once your heart takes over."

Baffled, I was. I couldn't really make up anything she said but it occurred to me that maybe she was right, maybe I should try to get to know Xavier more.

I then sat in Xavier's bed for moments and fiddled with my hands nervously; I thought about what Sonia said and by that I remembered how Xavier looked at me while he pinned me in the bed, his was almost lustful and Protective at the same time, I can't made up the feeling that I liked it, I then looked up to the wall clock... it was getting pretty late, I should be heading home.

I stood up and went for the door, but in a sudden it opened. "Uh... I should be.. Heading home." As I quickly looked down, I didn't want to meet Xavier's eyes. " don't have to, sweetie." A feminine voice replied.

I shot my head up and saw a woman in front of me, she looked young and beautiful with ebony hair and fair completion, almost angelic just... Just like Xavier.

"I-I uhmmm....err, " I jabbered, she smiled in a soft manner, "I haven't seen you here before dear, may I know who you are?" I nodded and pulled myself together.

"I-I'm Bea... Bea Foster." I was able to say, I was actually stunted by her beauty, "hi, I'm Rebecca." She said gleefully.

"You must be a friend of Xavier." She smiled at me, I just nodded, I felt really timid cause I was like some sort of trespasser, even though I'm not.

"Well, that's great... He never brings any girls here." my eyes widened, so I'm the only girl he brings here? Oh gosh, this just got more awkward for me. She tapped her chin and then smiled at me once more "it's getting pretty late dear, you should stay for dinner." Before I could protest an arm came and pulled me.

Xavier's POV.

I just left her for awhile to check if Jared got Cullen out of the pack,-luckily he did, but Now I see my mom conversing with her.

Shit this is not good... The mustn't know about my mate, especially my parents. I rushed down the hall and yanked her away from my mom, my mom turned and looked at me suspiciously, "well, that was very rude of you Xavier."

"I-I uhh." I tried speak out, "I should be going." Bea then said meekly. I looked at her shy expression and looked at my mom, she crossed her arms "well it's getting really late dear, why won't you just stay for dinner? and then later I'll let Xavier escort."

"Oh n-no I can't." Bea smiled nervously, I wanted to protest and say that I'll just bring her home tonight but my mom then waved her hand "ohhh sure you can! Now no more reason, dear.-" she then smiled at me. "Now we wouldn't want our lovely guess starving herself!" She then gesture Bea and me downstairs.

Ohhh god, I have no clue what my mom is planning...


Hi my lovely creatures! *le winks sexually.... (Well almost sexually.)*

I'm actually updating this while I'm at my eye doctor, hahaha yes... I wear big ass glasses. Well I'd rather wear glasses then contacts urgh... Those things are like hard to wear bruh... (Yes I'm am idiot.) hahaha anyway! OMG! Thank you for always supporting this story! Like I know that 2k isn't a big thing compared to other books but I'm completely blown away! Wooooooahhhh!

I'mma update soon! So don't worry :)

Bri:"hey you. I like you."

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