Ticci Toby 3

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I opened my eyes.

I opened my eyes WIDE.

After blinking and adjusting to the bright light that was assaulting my eyes, my mind starts racing, and I sit up from where I was apparently laid down. Did I pass out or...?

Oh no, I'm in a hospital room. Oh god, I'm in a hospital room.

I look down and see IVs attached to me and I'm now wearing a hospital gown. "No no no n-no nononono...!" I panic, pulling the IVs out of me. I feel my shoulder area and notice that my wounds have been patched up, same for my leg. Tch, these dumb mutants could never heal me as good as Nurse Ann could.

I look away from my bandaged body and glance at the door.

Memories from what had happened before comes rushing in, and I slowly start hyperventilating.

They really do think I'm that kid, (Y/N)??? Shit, what do I do...I need to get out of here!

I spin pulling my legs off the bed and land my feet on the cold ground. I start walking shakily for the door to the room when suddenly the door opens before I could reach it and in steps a nurse, along with the two men I remembered from before.

"Oh no no no, (Title) (L/N)! I just came to inform you that your parents will be taking you home now but you should not be out of your bed! You should wait for appropriate supervision!" The nurse examined, rushing to me and grabbing my arms.

As soon as the nurse grabbed my arms, a rush of emotions took over me. I felt everything I hated about people explode in me at once, and my killer instincts go off.

I immediately pull away from her grasp and punched her square in face, causing her to scream and fall back on the ground.

"(Y/N)!??" I heard those two men shout and I quickly try to dash past them, panicking all the while. My stupid legs were being all weird though, and I tripped over myself, falling right into their arms. "(Y/N) calm down!! (Y/N), what the hell has gotten into you!?" One of the men shouted.

I was thrashing around in their grasp trying to escape until I see other people rushing into the room, and one of the people quickly sticks something sharp into my neck in the midst of the chaos. It's seconds before my vision gets blurry and my body feels heavy. Next thing I know, I had blacked out.

I opened my eyes.

I opened my eyes WIDE.

After blinking and adjusting to the bright light that was assaulting my eyes, my mind starts racing, and I sit up from where I was apparently laid down. Did I pass out or...?

Oh no, I'm in a hospital room. Oh god, I'm in a hospital roo—....wait a minute. I already went through this shit!

I look around and see people in the room with me. There's a doctor and then in chairs by the door I see those same two men.

The doctor noticed I had awoken and immediately placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to tense up. "Listen (Y/N), I know you've been through a lot in the past few hours, but I need you to calm down. We're only trying to help you here, yes?"

"G-Get me out of h-h-here," I growled, my voice sounding frail and my tics were acting up much more than usual.

"Look doc, see? Our (Y/N) has never done all that ...twitchy ... stuff that they're doing now. Do you think you know what's wrong with them?"

"It looks to me exactly like Tourette's Syndrome. However, you said they've never displayed these actions before? It could be newly developed, but could be a temporary mishap. Give it some time before we can properly diagnose it."

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