Jane 2

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I flinched when Nina's grip around me tightened, and the girl again buried her face into my chest as Liu and Jeff slowly carry out ClockWork's bloodied corpse from the room.

I look away, knowing that if I saw her body again I'd be sick. ClockWork was one of my good friends—I couldn't bare to see her like this.

The other killers were all silent besides the younger ones who were crying and sobbing by the scene. "What happened to her!? What happened to her!??" Sally kept repeatedly screaming while holding her face with her nails seemingly digging into her ghastly features; her eyes were wide and she looked to be in a complete state of shock.

Puppeteer quickly grabbed Sally and hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down while resting his head on hers. "Can't Nurse Ann do something? EJ...?" Lost Silver trembled.

"ClockWork's gone...I can't save her now," EJ uttered, a slight choke in his usual steady voice.

Liu and Jeff gently placed ClockWork's body down on the ground and backed away with their heads lowers while the rest of us warily looked on. There were large gashes visible all over her body exposing some of her inner organs mixed in with the excessive amount of blood.

I noticed that much and quickly turned away again. LJ stepped up and threw a large sheet over her, fully covering her body.

Everyone looked on in a deathly still silence, then after a few moments Jeff began to growl and I see his fists tightening at his sides, "Whoever did this is gonna fucking PAY! Which one of you bastards did it!?"

Next thing we all knew, he had flipped his knife out and started pointing it around as if that would help a damn thing. "Come, come clean. It was you, wasn't it Red!?"

"Hwa—NO, of COURSE not!!" Red screamed, appearing flustered.

"Did that fire way back when fry your brain too!?" I shout, moving myself from Nina and standing before Glitchy Red defensively, "You can't just go around accusing random people without proof, shithead!"

Jeff scowled at me and kept his knife out for a while before slowly putting it away and crossing his arms, turning his head away. I couldn't be too upset with him—this affects all of us tremendously.

While the others continued to mourn though, I started to grow curious about the appearance of ClockWork's wounds. They did look pretty familiar, the way the cuts were made. There was really only one type of weapon that could've done something like this....

"No. Fucking way," I mutter under my breath, coming to a possible realization. I keep it to myself because I don't want to start an uproar. I play it off as if I've had enough, watching my deceased friend and move away from the others, heading down the hallway. I step up to the one door at the end.

"Toby," I start knocking, then I hiss closer to the door, "(Y/N)!?"

I grab the handle, but it wont budge no matter how much I try it. Shit.

I heard back to the others and scan the group for Cody, but he's not gathered there. Come to think of it, most everyone was there except a few key faces that I know would rush out on an emergency like this.

I run to Cody's room and open his door. Gone. I look back to the others and look to see who else is missing. BEN.

I hurry to the green rascals room and nearly burst open his door. I'm met with a cluttered mess—but a mess that stands out compared to the usual sight that was his pigpen of a room.

There was a huge part of the carpet that was soaking wet and a huge pail alongside an empty bottle of bleach and ammonia was toppled beside the mess. Looking to his huge TV, the screen was completely broken from the frame, and to my horror, I see what looks like BEN lurched over the frame. His body was all blackened, mixed with loud colors that you'd find on a broken device.

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