(Y/N) 2

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

I'm in my bed watching TV. I'm supposed to be sleeping now and all but eh I don't wanna.

I'll just wait till my Steven comes and snaps at me to go to bed. I always enjoy pissing him off anyways.

As I lay back in bed watching Disney channel even though I hate it, I start to hear something scratching or messing around with my window. I ignore it at first but then it really starts to sound like someone's trying to break in.

"Haha. Not tonight. Fuck no," I chuckle, reaching under my pillow and grabbing the gun my Ryan gave to me for my 19th birthday. I pull on my jacket and cower at the side beneath the window with the gun ready, waiting to see if someone was actually going to break in.

Sure enough, my window was eventually pried open and slowly this man steps in, holding two hatchets in hand. His face is completely hidden with goggles over his eyes and a mask covering his mouth. His brown hair is covered by a gray hood and dried blood looks visible on his clothes.

As soon as the man turned to my direction, and saw me cowering at the side in preparation he looked caught off guard. I smirked widely and held up the gun. I always wanted to try this thing out on a real target—I mean what.

The intruder froze "H-Hold up—!"

The sound of the shot cut off the intruder before they could finish and pierced them in the leg. Though he stumbled at his leg giving way, the intruder caught himself and still stood together as if he wasn't just shot.

"You fucking piece of sh-shit!" The man sneered and came at me with one of his hatchets raised. I quickly rolled to the side and got up off the ground, making a run for the bedroom door. I took another chance to turn around and shoot again, this time catching him in the shoulder.

I heard the intruder cursing and he threw his other hatchet in my direction just as I dashed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I jumped when I heard the hatchet gorge into the door milliseconds after I had closed it.

That was way too close for my liking. No time to stop though.

I keep running and skid into the bathroom just as my door was pulled open with force. I peek slightly and see the man storming down the hallway, seeming pissed. Is this man fucking Michael Myers? He's not even limping! I didn't want to have to kill him, but at this point it looks like I have no choice.

I prepare myself to aim for his head when he walks by the bathroom. This is either gonna end in me becoming a hero and saving myself and my family or me getting hacked to death. I can't miss this shot.

As soon as the intruder passed the bathroom, I clenched my teeth and pulled the trigger.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd nothing happened.

The intruder immediately turned and saw me there with the gun pointed at him.

"Oh for fucks sake. Are you kidding me? Why now of all times? Just why?" I panicked.

I was so frustrated that I tossed the gun at the intruder. "Fine, keep it dumbass, you win. Go ahead and kill me. Can I ask a favor though? If you leave my dads alone, you can take everything I own on my word."

I stood from the spot I was kneeled on and held up my hands in submission. "I know I'm probably asking for too much but can you also make it quick? I don't like pain, unlike you."

The intruder tilted his head and scoffed at me, "I can't f-feel pain for starters...bet you felt r-real good thinking you got away with shooting me. Twice."

I shrugged. "Sorry."

The intruder then stepped towards me and I closed my eyes, preparing to finally be released from this world of suffering. Only, I didn't feel myself getting hacked to death, instead I felt ...soft pats on my face...?

I blink my eyes open and notice the killer's patting my face and he begins pulling at my hair with an air of curiosity. Through his goggles, I could see his eyes staring straight at mine. "What the heck are you doing. You creep," I snap, immediately backing away from him.

"Me? The c-creep? You're the one that st-stole my face."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

I watched with wide eyes as the killer lowers his other hatchet and placed it in its holt on his side. He then reached up to his face and removed his facial gear—all of it.

My eyes widened even more as I quickly examined his face. This ...this dude looks just like me. Exactly like me?? You'd think we're twins or something!

We both have the same dark brown eyes, almost same facial structure, and the same shade of brown curly messy hair that slightly falls over our face. We also seem to almost be the same height, and his choice of clothing looks exactly like what I would normally wear. The only difference really between his face and mine was the huge gory looking scar running from his mouth, but that's about it.

"Hey, you you stole my face," I snark at him. "You stole mine first," He snapped back. We look at each other for a bit, then both of our heads turn to the mirror in my bathroom, as if we were both thinking the same exact thing.

Next thing you know, I'm standing in front my mirror with the same man that was just trying to murder me, both of us staring at ourselves next to each other in the mirror.

"You look nice bro," I say, looking at my reflection.


"I was talking about myself but you look pretty good too I guess.

"We look a-almost exactly the same you bum."

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