Ticci Toby 10

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I freeze at the top of the staircase holding up my gun directly at the hooded figure that was standing with their hatchet raised over their head, ready to hack into EJ's skull.

They turned and looked at me beneath my goggles and slowly stepped off of EJ, beginning to approach me as I stare in horror at the reality that was before me; this motherfucker (Y/N) actually went and murdered every damn person in this household.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)," They scoffed at me, their hands outstretched, "you're a bit late to the party, aren't you?"

I flinched at the unusually monotonous, harshness in their tone of voice. What...what changed?

I saw that they were fully clothed in my clothes-not just any clothes but my proxy uniform. They also had on my harness with my hatchets latched to the sides and all my facial gear as well. They had what looked like grenades strapped to their sides, as well as one of my two hatchets gripped in their bloody, gloved hands.

"Yo-ou-u ..." I barely utter out, yet I still keep the gun aimed at their face despite my tics which were more aggravating than usual thanks to heavy stress. "What have you d-d-done...what th-he h-ell have y-ou-u don-e!?"

"You're wearing my clothes, huh. Got comfortable?" (Y/N) casually replied, sliding the hatchet they had in hand back into its harness. Sick.

I shook my head, taken aback by their callous response and spat, "You're wea-r-ring min-ne too, you fu-ucki-ing jackass-s."

They shrugged, "Didn't have a choice. Jane made me so that I'd blend in as you better. But, now that I think about it, Jane really should've killed me when she had the chance..."

They then lowered their head and faced the ground, "You really should've killed me when you had the chance, Toby."

I nod my head, "Trust me. I wholeheartedly agree."

Sally, who I saw was on her knees in the middle of the hallway stared at the two of us with huge wet eyes and a runny, snot nosed face. She looked completely devastated and confused. "What's happening........why did....who is.....Toby....?" She whispered, her eyes hopping between the two of us.

Immediately I lower the gun and spring over to Sally, picking her up in my arms and hugging her tightly. Sally initially screamed and panicked while crying, trying to rip herself out of my grasp, but I quickly began to stroke her hair and shush her while rocking her gently and assuring her, "It's m-m-me Sal, the real Toby. That imp-p-poster...they tried t-to make it seem-m like it was me tha-a-a-a-t went rogue and ki-i-lled every-yone. I would never hu-hurt any of you..."

Hearing my voice, she may have truly understood it was the real me and she stopped thrashing about; she instead wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and broke into a gross, heart-wrenching sob.

My embrace tightened around her and I backed away with her in my arms, refocusing my glance back to (Y/-god I can't stand that sickening name anymore. (Y/*) only stood there, watching us with their hands lowered at their sides. I noticed their eyes from behind the goggles; they appeared to be blank, as if they were stuck for a brief moment inside of their head. Only a second passed and they seemed to snap back, then their eyes trained on me and Sally again.

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