(Y/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌0

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As soon as Jane left, I shut the door behind me.

I throw off the bloody goggles and pull the face mask up from around my neck and toss them all on the ground. I start panting uncontrollably, feeling my heart racing and threatening to burst out of my body.

I feel sick, like I'm going to throw up, and sure enough, as soon as I stumble into the bathroom I let everything out into the sink. After what felt like minutes of just retching uncontrollably, I finally wobble down to the floor and stare blankly at my bloodied up pants and sneakers.

Toby's pants and sneakers.

"I k-k-killed...I killed the—..." I stammered, feeling all the shock and disbelief of what I had done to the proxies only now come crashing over me like a huge wave. I couldn't bring myself to vocalize my crime and I slowly pull my legs up to my chest, hugging them tightly.

Even if I did manage to get home tonight and switch back with Toby, this act I committed would still be around to haunt me forever.

'They were murderers though...' I keep trying to tell myself, but that didn't make a damn thing any better. My body feels weak and helpless, so I reach into my pocket and grab up those same strength enhancing pills from before and down two of them.

Instantly, my body starts to recover and I'm able to bring myself up to my feet again. I may as well push it all aside and stop wasting time—I need to get home. I'm walk back into the room to start grabbing clothes when the door swings open again and I jump, seeing that X-Virus dude again stepping in, looking pissed. He doesn't even have his gas mask or goggles over his face, it's now swinging from his neck so I could fully see his seething rage.

"I don't understand why Jane's keeping an outsider around! What's the big deal about killing it and just getting Toby back??" He sneers, and I can't infer if he's talking to me or more to himself. I notice he has the bats with nails still with him, gripped tightly in his hand.

My hands quickly move to the hatchets on my sides and I pick them up with much quicker ease, thanks to extra dosage of those pills. Strangely enough, a much stronger energy than before was coursing through my veins and my head was pounding from such changes going on in my body.

"You'll get your Toby back. Now get out," I order the killer. His gaze focuses on me and then on my grip on the hatchets and he scoffs, "I know we'll get Toby back, I don't need an outsider to tell me that. And wether Jane gets you out of here alive or not, you'll still end up dead eventually..."

I tilt my head at him when he says this, "What...do you mean by that?"

"You don't think every killer has a target? One by one you notice people in your neighborhood or in different cities getting killed in horrible, gruesome ways. Everyday is a new story, right? Who do you think causes all these terrible murders? You really think you and your family are spared? You're better off dying here and now...save yourself from the pain you'll eventually have to face..."

He then sighed heavily and turned around, "...Just...get out of here, and never come back."

Whatever he said after 'you really think you and your family are spared' only passed on deaf ears. The same words he said kept ringing in my head.

Even if I do get to go home tonight, i could be gone tomorrow. My dads could be killed...all because these murderers can run around freely in this big mansion and get away with it! Heck, if it weren't for me that one fateful night, Toby would've killed us all!

My fists tightened on the hatchets even more and I was beginning to feel the same staticky phenomenon building up in my brain. I look darkly at X-Virus as he's getting ready to walk out of my room again and I call out to him.

"One. Question."

He grumbled, "What do you want?"

"...Would you kill my family?"

X-Virus stared at me for a long time before answering coldly, "Without. A second. Thought."

Receiving his answer, my mouth forms a crooked scowl, "That's all. I needed. To know."

I then launch past him, slamming the door shut so he couldn't leave, then booted him backwards onto the ground. Out of shock, he fell back, dropping his weapon, but he quickly scrambled to grab it again. Before he could lift it up, I bring down one of the hatchets on his arm, chopping through and sending it into his stomach. "F-FUCK YOU!" He hissed as he lurched forward in agony from the attack and tried grabbing onto my hands. "You p̸͕̗̃̔́͑́͝s̷̠͕̪̥͐̌ychopaths think I'll let you hurt my family," I say, lifting the second hatchet and jabbing it into his flesh beside the first. "Think again."

X-Virus's movements were weakened as blood poured from the open lacerations in his torso and he began coughing up blood. He dropped the bat with nails and his hand falls to the ground beside him as he shook his head helplessly, "N-No....this can't—-be it...no....Toby...." His voice started getting desperately pained and I could see his eyes welling up as he realized he was slipping away. "Toby...Toby....no...please..."

His head barely turned in my direction and he seemed to be looking at me for a bit as if he were seeing in me the very image of his friend before his eyes finally glazed over and his head fell to the side, the rest of him going limp.

I didn't waste time in removing the blade from the body and dragging him across the floor into the bathroom. I hurl his body into the tub and close the curtains. That will just have to hold for now.

I quickly take some towels and clean up whatever blood was visible on the floor and carpets, then I head back into the bathroom to the sink to wash off the blood on my face and whatever else of my body was exposed. After that, I locked the bathroom door before leaving it and closed it, then I went to Toby's closet and started scavenging for clean clothes.

Something deep down tells me I'm not going home just yet.

Doesn't matter anymore. It looks like I have a new job to take care of. For the sake my family and everyone being threatened by these insane freaks.

After I change into another similar version of Toby's proxy sweater and some baggy dark gray pants and clean sneakers, I swipe up the hatchets, latching them onto my new clean pants. I then pull on Toby's googles and his face mask. Finally, I grab the bottle of pills and pop two more in my mouth.

With this extra dosage, I feel myself start shaking uncontrollably and I get unnecessary twitches and random jolts in my body. The static in my head grows a little bit louder and more controlling.

Instead of heading out to meet Jane like I was told, I head over to the window in Toby's room lifting up the frame and carefully slipping out onto the roof. I then look aside and see windows aligned next to his, leading to the rooms of other killers.

I run my finger along one of the blades of the hatchets and start walking to the closest window next to his.

Time. To get. To work.

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