Ticci Toby 8

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I find myself waking up in a panic.

"Shit! I wasn't supposed to fall asleep!" I hiss, immediately shuffling out of the bed and hurrying over to the closet. I glance outside and see that it's still dark, so that's at least good. I grab the same clothes I wore earlier, except this time I pull a dark brown jacket out of (Y/N)'s closet and throw that on.

Next I walk back to the bed and grab some of (Y/N)'s boots, putting those on, then I quietly slip out of the room.

I head to (Y/N)'s dad's room and take a peek inside; luckily both of them are sleeping. I sneak around inside and spot the keys to their car on the dresser, so I quietly grab those and shove them in the pocket of the jacket, then I start looking for something else specific.

I walk into their closet and search around till I see the item I'm looking for hidden beneath some folded clothes on a high up shelf. I reach up and grab the item from beneath the clothes, then examine it in my hands. It was the same gun (Y/N) used to shoot me the night I broke into the house. It'd be best to be armed, just in case I find myself in any trouble.

Hopefully, there won't be any trouble, because I really wasn't quite ready to leave this place just yet... I step out of the closet and creep back to the door, getting ready to exit the room. I glance back at the sleeping forms of Ryan and Steven for a long time before slightly smiling and stepping out of the room.

I head to the back doors of the house and enter the backyard. It would be safer to sneak around from the back than it would be to go through the front. I head up to the fence that separated this yard and the neighbors yard and pull myself up just enough so I could see into the neighbor's yard.

There were more crime tapes, signs and cones placed around the area. In one spot nearby the neighbor's back door I could clearly make out an area where there was dried blood covering the ground. The back door was completely blocked up and so were the windows, so I wouldn't be able to enter without breaking in and then surely I would be caught.

'The victims are all more than likely removed from the scene by now, so it wouldn't make sense to h-head inside anymore...' I think to myself. I drop from the fence and exit the backyard, heading to the front of the house and to Steven and Ryan's car.

I pull open the door and get in, careful to not make so much noise while I do and sit back in the front seat, watching the very few people that were still at the scene, occasionally exiting and entering the house.

I stay like this for a little more than an hour, watching and listening in on any conversations that went on between the people that were still there. After a while, I see two officers get into a car and start driving off. Where were they headed? Penitentiary where the 'suspect' is being held for the night. They say the suspect was going to be brought in from the hospital, and these two officers needed to be there when the criminal arrived.

Now's my chance to get a better clue as to what's going on. I grab the keys from my jacket and start the car, then slowly follow after the car with the officers.

It's about a 30 minute drive till we get there—I'm familiar enough with the place since I've been sent to break out other killers from this place before, so I knew my way around the area for the most part but I wanted the officers to lead me directly to the place the suspect is going to be brought in.

I park for a bit outside the gates so it wouldn't be noticeable that I was clearly following them, then after a while I slowly drive on in behind them. There was a second checkpoint but here I wouldn't be able to drive through because there were night guards checking who was going in, so I had to park the car  near the gates, but lucky enough I was able to get a view from where I was.

The officers park in the almost empty lot, and as they're starting to exit the car, I notice three other police cars pulling up to the checkpoint and driving inside.

That must be the one carrying the suspect...

The three cars pull up to the two officers I had followed and park hastily. I watch everything going on from the shelter of the car I was still inside, thanking to Slender for the ability of sharper than normal sight.

I see another male step out of the truck and grab the handle of the backdoor, pulling it open. The other two hustle over and reach inside, tugging on to what looks to be a blue hospital gown that the person was wearing inside.

Out appears a lowered head with a display of messy dark brown hair and a hidden face. I notice that the bottom half of this person's arm seemed to be ...missing. It's all bandaged and fixed into a cast. From staring at the arm situation to back at the hair, I feel a heavy feeling in my heart and a sick feeling in my stomach; mostly because the hair looks too. fucking. familiar.

"Masky...please, holy hell please don't let that actually be..."

The officers push the suspect ahead with a firm shove and the man slowly lifts up his head. My eyes meet with the completely broken, and never before seen emotionless face of Tim Wright. Masky.

My mind spazzes as the image of his face burns into my head while the officers begin to lead him away.

He actually fucking did it. Masky killed the others...he killed them...he killed them...he k̴̼̺̤̗͒͐͊͜ͅillè̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜d them̶̜̍̄...! T̷̢̧͎̤̗͙̜͓̽͊ͅͅhey̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓'re d̶͇͆̓̂̆͌͛͠è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜â̸̠̋d̶͇͆̓̂̆͌͛͠ b̶̡͙̖̹̻̙̠̯͓͐͘ecaus̷̠͕̪̥͐̌e of̴̧̭͓̘̱̖̯͋̇͒̀́ H̸̪͊̒Į̴̧̝͔͍͖͇̹̗̅͆̈́̈́̒̕Ṃ̸͊̊̈́.

...My mind was far gone by the time of realization that I didn't even notice I had begun violently slamming the windows of the car with my fists, screaming uncontrollably at Masky as they took him away.


I realize now I'm a bit too far in to do much now but I don't like how the story is going. I would like to rewrite it one day to flow more seriously as the events of the story are darker than usual—this isn't jokepasta. Once I complete this story, I may think about rewriting it in a better, serious, professional manner, so that way it gets the respect it deserves as a story with an actual plot rather than something that's all over the place like my other stuff.


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