Ticci Toby 4

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I lay back in bed, calmly watching as (Y/n)'s father, Steven, carefully tended to the bandages on my body. He was changing the bandages for me and I was asleep when he begun the process, but I woke up just as he was finishing up rewrapping my leg.

His touch was so gentle and caring that I may as well have stayed asleep and not felt a thing. I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes and watched him closely, his every move.

Still breathless by how...unreal this was. Truly caring parents...

I thought of maybe saying something to him but I didn't want to seem out of character—after all, I know next to nothing about (Y/n) and how they act.

Once Steven was done bandaging my wounds, he looked up at me and suddenly reached out, ruffling my hair with a smile. I quickly grabbed his hand out of my usual reflexes against humans, but quickly calmed down and loosened the grip when I saw his stunned face.

"...Quite a new grip you've got there, (Y/n)," He chuckled slowly, glancing at my hand. I drop my hand from his and looked down embarrassed. "Sorry...Dad..."

"Don't apologize, my (Y/N)."

I don't know what suddenly came over me, but I suddenly pulled myself out from under the covers in the bed and crawled to Steven, throwing my body against his. I leaned my head against his shoulder and waited to see what would happen, my heart pounding in my chest and my body fidgeting every now and then from my tics.

I felt the man's hands slowly wrap around me and hug me close to him, one had rested carefully on my head. "Everything alright? I get that you've been through so much in just a night and all but..."

His voice trails off as he realize my body starting to shake and my eyes shut tightly, tears beginning to fall from them.

Fuck! I thought to myself. This is absolute weakness, crying?? Infront of a human!? Why do ...why can't I help it? Why do I feel this way...

Steven gently rocked me as I held onto him, me grinding my teeth and trying to stop my tears. "It's alright. Let it out, I'll be here for you as long as you need me."

I couldn't come up with words because of how torn up I was, but I hope he could in a sense understand how thankful I was.

He will never know my backstory, my past and where I came from. Hopefully, he will never have to find out what I really am.

An imposter. A murderer.

Yet for this moment that I have now where he thinks I am his own child and will give me everything I missed when I lived with my own family...I will make the most of it.

I hope SlenderMan won't find his way here too soon. I'll never know how I am supposed to explain myself when this new world of mine comes crashing down. When the game ends and I have to back to my life as a killer, where seemingly everyone in the mansion hates me now for no reason...

I slowly raise my head, slightly sniffling and look up at (Y/n)'s dad, taking in his image. A small smile forms on my almost pale face, the scar alongside my mouth stretching. "Thanks for e-e-everything Dad. I'm more than lucky to have you around..."

He smiled and rubbed my shoulders, nodding his head at me, "And I'm more than lucky to have you, (Y/n). Thank god you weren't taken away from us last night by that...that sick psycho who tried to hurt you."

My smile grows wider at this and I nod my head, "I agree, Dad."

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