Ticci Toby 5

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My steps are slow but steady as Steven helps me limp my way into the living room of their home. He was allowing me to have some time out of the room so I could get out instead of staying cooped up all day.

I take the time to examine the contents of the house; it wasn't too shabby, it was a pretty decent place. Small, but homey enough for three. The living room was set with a simple couch that was placed directly across from the TV, and a small center table with a decorative bowl on top. There was a few gaming controllers on the floor and a stack of video games next to the TV stand.

Steven helped me over to this area and aided me in sitting down on the couch. He helped me position myself so I could lay back and relax, then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"You want games or TV?" He asked, glancing at me. "Uh...what games do w-we have again?"

Steven gave me a strange look, "(Y/N), you sure you got enough rest? You, asking me what games you have when you're the one hogging the TV when your other father isn't?"

I chuckled a bit nervously and crooked back my head, "Yeahhh probably not. Why n-n-not pick for me then, Dad?"

I cheesed like an idiot at calling him "Dad" again.

Steven smiled at seeing my face and he laughed a bit, "Alright lazy bum, only because you're trying to recover this is your lucky day, I'll do everything for you."

He walked over to the game stand and started going through the games. He picked out one and glanced back at me. "Dead by Daylight? You're always playing this weird game, even though I don't like it."

"Yeah why not?"

He nods and starts up the console then walks back to me, handing me the controller. I take it and play around with the buttons for a bit; it's been a while since I've played any video games. I used to play tirelessly with BEN, but the past few months at the mansion haven't been my best and I've spent most of it locked up in my room rotting away.

I glance at Steven and then at the TV, then I murmur casually. "You uh, maybe wanna play with me?"

"Is that even a two player game, (Y/N)?"

"We'll take turns. And...it w-would help me recover faster?" I give him a pleading smirk. Steven sighed and rolled his eyes at me, slowly giving in and taking a seat at the edge of the couch so he didn't touch my bandaged legs. "Fine, only for a little bit."

I smile and sit up, and he reaches over, ruffling my head. I again find myself just staring at him in awe, just by this very simple action. Maybe it's something that's ordinary for other people, to have their head ruffled or things like being hugged, but my father would've never...

"(Y/N), why're you staring? Did I ruffle too hard and give you brain damage?"

I blinked and quickly shake my head, smiling awkwardly and looking away, "Nah, j-just still a bit out of it. I'll take a nap after-r-r a few games."

"That's a good idea, buddy."

I look to the TV and was about to start the game when I remember I hadn't even seen (Y/N)'s other dad, Ryan, since they had both gotten me to bed earlier. "Where's ...other dad...?" I asked cautiously, not knowing how I should refer to 'my' other parent as my doppelgänger would.

"Your Ryan's at work, bud. He tried to take off today so he could stay home with you and make sure you were okay, but they wouldn't let him. Don't worry, he'll be home in a few hours though. May as well catch some rest before he comes home and smothers you; you know how he is with his little soldier."

I chuckle at this, "Little? I'm a grown ma—person."

Steven smirked and suddenly grabbed the controller from me, "Come on (Y/N), let's hurry up and play a few round of this silly game so you can get some rest! Maybe later if you're feeling alright, we can take you out somewhere special. How does that sound?"

It sounds like fucking heaven that's what.

"Okay, D-Dad," I breathe out with a sheepish smile. "It sounds great."

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