Ticci Toby 6

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I... don't know why, but I suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore...

I stare down at the plate of food that was before me and slowly push it across the table, towards (Y/N)'s dads who were sitting on the opposite side of me. "What's wrong buddy? Not hungry anymore?" Steven frowned, noticing I had barely eaten much, "we only got the food five minutes ago."

"I kn-know, and I'm sorry, I just..." I respond, but my voice trails off and I slowly look to the side. "He's probably thinking about what happened yesterday..." I heard Ryan mutter to Steven.

I grab my arm uncomfortable and try suppress the weird feeling I was feeling inside. (Y/N)'s parents took me out to make up for all the stuff that had happened to 'me' in the past 24 hours, and the whole time I was basically enjoying myself.

I felt happier than I've felt in such a long long time. I felt like my unfair, awful childhood was being avenged by the kindness and loving care I was getting from someone else's parents. And even though I was downright lying to them, I was an imposter, I just couldn't bring myself to give up the act.

There must be a reason the universe created me and (Y/N) to look exactly like each other. It was giving me another chance to live! To actually be happy again...

That's exactly how I felt all day, until this sudden weird feeling fell over me.

Ryan came over and sat next to me, wringing his arm around my neck. "(Y/N), I'm warning ya. You don't eat your food, I'll take it and then you'll starve for the night," He said, squeezing me. "You know how you get..."

"I...know," I respond. "I just...I don't know why I f-feel sick all of a sudden..."

Ryan gave me a concerned look and loosened his grasp. "Maybe take a bathroom break. If you're not well by the time you come out, we can head home."

I slowly nod my head and he gets off the seat so I could leave. "Do you need help (Y/N)??" Steven asked, standing up from his seat. "No, I'll b-be good, thanks Dad," I respond. I try not to make my limping too obvious as I head for the bathroom area.

Once I get into the neutral bathroom, I make sure no one else is around before going and looking at myself in the mirror. I then look to my arm feeling something wet trickle down and raise the sleeve of the dark sweater I was wearing that belonged to (Y/N).

The operator symbol, long ago carved into my wrist as a bond between me and the other proxies was now bleeding heavily as if it were freshly cut. My eyes widen, not understanding why this was suddenly happening to me. What...what was wrong with the other proxies?

The blood starts to go pure black and it looks like it's ink instead of blood seeping onto the floor now. I look back up at myself in the mirror and see that there's now a symbol on my forehead, yet it's oozing the same black liquid down my face and the same thing was happening to my eyes. I lurch forward over the sink and start throwing up.

I felt my body go weak and slump to the floor, hugging myself tightly and shaking. "M-M-M....Masky..." I uttered to myself, hugging my legs. I wasn't sure what do, and I don't know why the symbols were suddenly appearing to me. The symbols only bleed over or reappear when something dire is happening to Slender or one of the other proxies. Should I head back to the mansion and find out what's going on....?

"(Y/NNNN)?" I suddenly heard the name being echoed from outside the bathroom and I hear footsteps getting closer. I scramble up and quickly turn on the water, trying to wash away the black blood I had thrown up, then I scramble into one of the stalls, locking the door.

I hear footsteps stop outside neutral bathroom and the voice of Steven afterwards, "(Y/N), are you alright in there....?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm f-f-fine," I respond, my neck cracking to the side as I try to use the toilet paper to clean my forehead, face, and arms off. Once I seemed clean I exit the stall and quickly wash my hands again before limping out of the bathroom.

Steven and Ryan were waiting there with worried expressions on both their faces. "I'm alright but...I-is it okay if w-we go home?" I ask, feeling bad considering they brought me out here to make me happy.

"Of course (Y/N). Sorry you're not feeling well..." Steven said, patting my head. "When we get home, you can go and rest."

I nod and begin to walk hand and hand with Steven and Ryan to the exit of the restaurant. My ears twitch as we're about to leave, and I hear someone speaking about us near the exit. Thanks to my proxy senses, I catch this and turn seeing some woman talking with some guy with their little kid lazing about around them. "I feel bad for that poor child. Stuck having to live with that nonsense," The woman whispered to the male while glancing at us. "It's disgusting..." The man groaned, "those people should be arrested for child endangerment."

Fucking child endangerment when both me and (Y/N) are grown ass adults right?

I immediately let go of Ryan and Steven's hands without thinking and waltz up to couple with my fists clenched. "Bold of you to make assumptions about my family without even knowing us," I growl, at them, startling them as they didn't expect me to come over. "They're the best, most loving caring family I could've ever asked for! You homophobic sh-shitheads would know nothing because all you can do is sit there and-d judge! YOU two cunts should be arrested for child endangerment, f-fucking judgmental ass-swipes!"

I didn't even notice I was getting my fist ready because I probably was going to hurt these people if it wasn't for Ryan quickly grabbing me and pulling me away. I watch the stunned look on the couples face and flip them off as Ryan and Steven quickly tried to hurry me out of the restaurant.

When we were outside Ryan let go of me and the two of them looked at me, seemingly disappointed. I look at them and turn away angrily, "Sorry D-D-Dads but I don't give a fuck what you say to me. You guys have d-done so much for me in so little time...nothing but love and compassion despite ...how I am. You have n-no idea how grateful I am to you for all you've done. There's no way I'm going to let some b-backward thinking bastards say s-something like that about you. I'd kil—....." I quickly bit my lip and stopped myself, keeping my mouth shut from there before I ended up saying something I shouldn't.

The two looked at each other for a long time before stepping up to me and hugging me tightly. "Aw (Y/N)....we're so damn proud of you," Steven murmured, ruffling my hair. "I'd say you're crazy but you told those morons how it is. I'm the proudest father to have a kid like you," Ryan smiled, patting my back. It was like feeling all the weirdness I felt before wane off at that very moment and it was replaced by the affection I was getting from these two.

I hugged them back tightly, feeling my urge to stay with them and truly become their real (Y/N) grow even stronger.

It's...it's all to perfect.
I can't let this be taken away from me.

Sorry mates if 'that' part was too much.

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