Ticci Toby

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I'm certain I'm at a point where I don't know how to feel about anything anymore.

So much has happened in such a short span; so many emotions I've had to feel, and all of it drastically changing in such small intervals of time that my brain can barely process.

I'm slow to a reaction as (Y/N)'s father, Ryan mowed (Y/N) down mercilessly to the ground with an AK-47 equipped in his hands. I watched blankly as (Y/N)'s body froze for only a few seconds before collapsing to the ground on the blood-soaked soil.


It remained in complete stillness as everyone present at the scene slowly absorbed in the reality of what had just occurred. Even Masky dared not to utter a word as he too seemed taken aback by the deed.

After silence and waiting, my legs carry me forwards, slowly walking towards (Y/N)'s body while shaking. My emotions started to seep in after being delayed for some time; I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.

No...this isn't what I wanted...this wasn't supposed to happen..!

I'm just about to reach the body, when I catch Ryan suddenly moving in the corner of my eye towards me and my focus quickly shifts to him in alarm. The man dropped his gun and stepped over (Y/N), throwing his arms around me and hugging me close to him.

"(Y/N)...." He shuttered, squeezing me as I stared past his shoulders with widened eyes. "God, we were so worried about you...I'm so sorry you were brought all the way out here...I'm so so sorry..."


I remained quiet and watched as Steven slowly made his way over and glared at the body of (Y/N) shakily before looking back to me and coming over to join the hug. His hand pressed into the back of my head and I could see that he was trying his hardest to hold himself together.

"We should've...we should've n-never let you go outside. N-Not after the murders in our neighborhood..." He barely uttered, "it's been too dangerous, yet we still allowed this..."

Again, I was trapped in a box of conflicted feelings. I...loved (Y/N)'s parents...after everything they did for me in the short time I was with them, even though it's true they never even knew I wasn't their real child. I wanted to genuinely enjoy the comfort of their embrace, I wanted to feel at peace and loved, but I knew I couldn't. It was all a lie, they didn't love me, nor did they even care about me.

They cared about (Y/N), and now thanks to our stupid mix-up, I allowed them to gun down their own child. Their real child.

I find myself starting to shake more violent as I come to realize all of this, and I felt myself growing sick.

"If it weren't for that man that came to us and told us you had been kidnapped and taken into the woods, we would've never known...we would've lost you," Steven began to speak again, now gently caressing my head.

"....Who....." I rasped lowly, slowly backing my way out of their hug. "Someone notified us that you'd been seen being dragged into the woods by this piece of shit bastard criminal here," Ryan sneered, slightly turning and jamming the steel of his boot against the unmoving form of (Y/N).

I flinched witnessing this, being the only one knowing he had kicked the dead body his own kid.

"He was kind enough to lead us here to where he saw you being taken," Steven stated. He then turned back and pointed from the direction they had came. I barely turn my head in said direction and see a man walking forth, a tall man with almost pale skin and silver gray hair wearing a casual black suit. His aura was strikingly familiar, and I didn't have to think much to know who this actually was.

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