... CHAPTER 3: Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower ...

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Cerise Laboratory is once again awake and buzzing with activity, and Ash and Goh are just waking up to their first morning there

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Cerise Laboratory is once again awake and buzzing with activity, and Ash and Goh are just waking up to their first morning there. Sunlight filtered through the shaded windows as the boys slept—Goh, having won the top-bunk, and Ash sleeping below with Pikachu on his stomach. The alarm on Goh's phone allowed him to gain consciousness, but he was still rolling in bed.

"Hey, Ash, it's morning already," Goh muttered tiredly. Ash was still sleeping.

"Got it," Ash mumbled, then fell asleep again.

"You know, you gotta get up," Goh muttered.

"Well, so do you, you know," Ash retorted, rolling on his side. Pikachu voiced his agreement. The door opened to their room, revealing Mimey holding an invisible vacuum cleaner. Mimey strolled into the room, vacuuming with the invisible thing. Ash and Goh were still asleep, so Mimey raised his invisible vacuum and sucked up Ash's and Goh's blankets, causing Ash to fall out of bed, and Goh to squeal with shock.

"Hey, Mr, Mime, is that you?" Ash grumbled, hiding under Goh's fallen blanket. Mimey voiced his agreement. "Oh."


Ash and Goh flustered with happiness at the amazing buffet spread out on the table. Ash, being the guy who will eat food at every moment of his life if he could, was the first to comment.

"Is it all-you-can-eat?!" he exclaimed, holding up his pink tray. Goh smirked.

"What else, Ash? Don't forget our special status here," Goh commented. Goh blushed with pride. "We're this lab's two and only research fellows!"

"I like the way that sounds!" Ash grinned.

"Yeah, right?" Goh agreed. Ash turned to the side, scanning the food.

"They have Pokémon food, too!" he commented. Pikachu squealed excitedly, and the boys picked out their breakfast.


Ash, Pikachu, Mimey and Goh sat around the breakfast table. Ash had some pancakes, sandwiches, a salad, croissant granola bar and orange juice. Goh had a similar dish and was checking through his phone as he drank his orange juice. Pikachu had a bowl of Pokémon treats. Ash was discussing battle moves and things with Goh, but Goh would admit he wasn't really listening. A door opened, and Goh turned around.

"Professor Cerise!" Goh exclaimed in greeting. Chloe had broke off from beside her father and made her way to the buffet. Yamper shot ahead of the Professor.

"Good morning!" Professor Cerise greeted the boys with a wave.

"Good morning, Professor!" the boys both greeted him. "Oh, hey, good morning, Chloe," Goh said less energetically.

"Morning," Chloe greeted. Yamper growled at Ash, but thankfully Pikachu swooped in to prevent it from shocking his Trainer again.

"Did you sleep well?" Professor Cerise inquired. Goh nodded.

Vol. 1: Pokémon Journeys!: The Research FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now