... CHAPTER 9: Finding a Legend ...

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What Pokémon will our heroes encounter today? Hmm

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What Pokémon will our heroes encounter today? Hmm... I wonder.

Cerise Park was quiet and tranquil as Goh's Pokémon frolicked in the grass and in the air beneath the glass dome. Goh was sitting on the stairs leading down into the garden while Ash, Pikachu and Scorbunny stood off to the side. Goh stood up very abruptly, keeping his eyes on his RotomPhone.

   "Wow, this is incredible news!" Goh shouted. Ash turned.

   "What is?" he inquired. Goh showed his phone to his friend, his face still holding an expression of serious surprise.

   "It says that Ho-Oh has recently been sighted!" Goh said. Ash leaned in and then reared back, his face mixed with surprise, shock and opportunity. Now this was something Ash had been waiting for a long time!


Yamper was sleeping soundly on the wooden floor inside Cerise Laboratory while Goh and Ash spoke with Professor Cerise in the holo-room.

   "So...," Professor Cerise paused, and Yamper leapt to its feet. "someone actually saw Ho-Oh?" he added as Yamper sprung up to Pikachu and Scorbunny. Goh had pulled up several pictures of the blog in holographic circles around the holo-pillar.

   "Yeah! It's all over the internet!" Goh said. Professor Cerise was smiling with interest at the photos.

   "There's quite a close connection between Ho-Oh and the ancient legends of Johto," the Professor muttered, more to himself than to the boys. "Exciting!"

   "Right!" said Goh, getting pumped while Ash just stared blankly at the floor. "And hardly anyone ever gets the chance to see it for themselves."

   "Yes, and records of it are few and far between," said Professor Cerise. Ash pulled his blank gaze up to one of the drawings of Ho-Oh, his lips pursed together seriously. "A legendary Pokémon shrouded in mystery."

   "And now that legend finally appears in reality!" Goh exclaimed. Another picture pulled up over all the holograms—a picture of Ecruteak—causing Ash to bring life back to his eyes and blink.

   "The eyewitness accounts were in the vicinity of Ecruteak City in the Johto region," Professor Cerise informed them. Ash looked seriously determined. Goh reflected his steadiness.

   "If we go there, maybe we'll see Ho-Oh firsthand," Ash said, more flatly than Goh had heard him speak before. Ash's voice was filled with passion as he spoke next. "You know, I've always hoped that someday Ho-Oh and I could have a battle!" he exclaimed, causing Ren and Chyrsa to gasp in astonishment. Goh was pumped.

   "And I wanna catch it!" he shot back. The assistants gasped even louder at that. The professor simply smiled and laughed.

   "You know, I truly admire the two of you," he remarked. "No matter the Pokémon , you wanna battle it or catch it."

Vol. 1: Pokémon Journeys!: The Research FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now