... CHAPTER 4: Settling The Scorbunny ...

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Goh squirted some toothpaste onto the blue toothbrush and dragged it up to his teeth, his messy black hair reflecting back at him in the mirror

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Goh squirted some toothpaste onto the blue toothbrush and dragged it up to his teeth, his messy black hair reflecting back at him in the mirror. It was not a pretty sight. Goh yawned through the toothpaste and opened one of his closed eyes, cringing at the sight in the mirror.

   "Goh, check it out!" Ash exclaimed, and Goh turned to his friend who was rapidly shaking his head while holding his toothbrush still against his teeth. "It's my new discovery!" Goh was less than impressed; he was confused.

   "Discovery?" Goh mumbled. Goh didn't even bother to ask any of his further questions.

   "Do it like this and you'll finish brushing your teeth in no time!" Ash sputtered, adjusting the placement of his toothbrush. Pikachu jumped onto the sink, waving his head back and forth like his Trainer. "You're good, buddy..." Ash said, and then sped up the shake of his head. "...but I can still brush faster than you!!!" And the two went on in this idiotic way while Goh watched uncertainly.

—————   "Let's see who wins the dizzy contest," Goh mumbled to himself

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   "Let's see who wins the dizzy contest," Goh mumbled to himself. After a few moments, Ash settled down with brushing, and Pikachu stopped waving his head. The two were so very dizzy they both fell down onto the bathroom floor.

   "I'm spinning, the world is spinning..." Ash uttered just below his breath. Goh seemed less than surprised as he spit out his toothpaste in the sink.


Goh sat at the breakfast table alone, tapping along his RotomPhone while Mimey made him a breakfast tray, being the good nanny he was (Of course, Mimey's food was invisible, buying a mime, but the way he acted and the way the sounds filled the room, it was almost like the food was actually there). Mimey also took an invisible glass, and (with all the sound effects), filled it with invisible orange juice and placed it by Goh's hand on the table.

   "Thank you," said Goh, but when he reached out to grab it, he only touched thin air. Goh was less than impressed at this, and he looked daggers toward Mimey.

   "Morning, Mimey," said Ash's sleepy voice, and Goh and the Pokémon turned to the doorway where they saw Ash, still in pajamas, teetering dizzy to a chair across from Goh. "I'm still all wobbly," Ash uttered just below his breath. Goh was still checking something eagerly on his phone, except now he seemed surprised. He stood up from the table very suddenly.

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