... CHAPTER 6: Working My Way Back to Mew ...

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(GUYS. Nobody likes reading/watching Goh's catching spree, so go ahead and skip this if you want.)

Ash and Goh went to the Galar region where Goh caught his first Pokémon , Scorbunny!

"Professor Cerise!"

Goh held up his phone to the Professor, a confused expression on his face. Ash was leaning over the railing in the holo-room to see this. "Look! Why does my phone screen look like this now?" Goh asked, his phone screen showing a picture of Scorbunny. Professor Cerise took his hands off his laptop and turned to Goh.

"Ah, we'll, your PokéDex possesses two distinct functions." Professor Cerise took Goh's RotomPhone from his hand. "Here. The first tells you a Pokémon 's type data and biological data." The Professor stood up and leaned down so Goh could see the screen. "The second function gives you an overview of all the Pokémon you've caught." The Professor tapped the screen and a row of numbers appeared with Scorbunny's vibrant photo above the number 813.

"All the Pokémon I've caught?" Goh echoed. Professor Cerise nodded.

"Correct," he remarked. "And with each new Pokémon you catch, your RotomPhone updates the index." Ash pulled out his phone from his blue jacket's pocket, and Goh took his RotomPhone back from the Professor.

"Huh? I didn't know it could do that!" Ash remarked. He hadn't really explored every feature of his RotomPhone yet. Goh tooled at the numbers and at Scorbunny's photo above number 813.

"Which means I've got my very own state-of-the-art Goh-kédex!" Goh exclaimed. He tapped Scorbunny's picture and it pulled up Scorbunny's page. "How cool is that?" Goh rushed over to Scorbunny who stood on a stool, crouching down to show him the picture of Scorbunny on his RotomPhone. "See?" Scorbunny stared in wonder at the photo and tilted his head. "This makes me wanna go out and catch more Pokémon until I fill up every spot!" Goh exclaimed. Ash swiped a PokéBall into the air, smirking.

"There's no time like right now!" he beamed. "Let's catch some Pokémon !" Pikachu squealed with excitement, bouncing up to his Trainer's shoulder. Goh wrung around to his friend.

"Yeah, let's go!" he agreed, holding up his RotomPhone. Scorbunny clung onto his shoulder.



Goh and Ash raced through the forest, ready to catch the first Pokémon . Goh was leading.

"This way! This way!" Goh urged, rushing along with Ash at his tail. The two boys paused in the middle of a massive, flower-dotted meadow.

"Wow, looks like there are gonna be a ton of Pokémon here!" Ash exclaimed, and very rightly so. Goh reached into his sweater pockets and pulled out fist-fulls of unsized PokéBalls.

"And I've brought tons of PokéBalls along so we can catch 'em all!" he announced. Ash's brown eyes bulged at the quantities. Goh bent down to his partner. "Scorbunny, let me know if you see a Pokémon , okay?"

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