... CHAPTER 7: Serving Up The Flute Cup ...

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The sun shone down on Vermillion City's Cerise Laboratory as another sunny morning began for Ash, Goh, Pikachu, Scorbunny, Chloe, Ren, Chrysa, Professor Cerise and all the Pokémon in Cerise Park

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The sun shone down on Vermillion City's Cerise Laboratory as another sunny morning began for Ash, Goh, Pikachu, Scorbunny, Chloe, Ren, Chrysa, Professor Cerise and all the Pokémon in Cerise Park. Mimey, Professor Cerise, Chloe Goh, Scorbunny and all the Pokémon were practicing yoga in the Park. Mimey was so smooth and calm.

   "Nice and slow," Goh grumbled to himself. "Nice and slow," he repeated.

   "Why do I have to be here?" Chloe queried as she continued the session.

   "If it's good for you, then why not?" Professor Cerise answered.

   "There's nothing like doing a little martial arts first thing in the morning!" Goh added.

   "Honestly," Chloe grumbled.

   "I'll tell you, it's not that easy,"Goh said, beginning to break a sweat. "How does Mr. Mime stay so steady?"

   "I'd say it has a strong sense of balance," Professor Cerise remarked. Scorbunny looked over at Goh.

   "Why don't you go play?" Goh suggested, not wanting to keep his partner from having fun. Scorbunny smiled and leapt off to play with Goh's other Pokémon and Yamper while Mimey continued the session. "Right, like this?" Goh queried, wrapping his arms over each other and bringing them back out calmly. Mimey shook his head and pointed to Metapod as an example, who didn't even have any limbs! "You mean like that?" Goh exclaimed.

   "You're serious?" Chloe grunted. Goh grumbled something to himself.

   "Yup. Exactly," said the professor sheepishly. Scorbunny leapt forward and kicked Metapod into the air, causing it to bonk onto a rock. "Uh..."

   "I thought I just heard a weird noise," Chloe remarked.

   "If I remember correctly, inside of a Metapod..." Goh trailed away. They all screeched with realization: "This is awful!" Professor Cerise rubbed the stone while Goh tended to Metapod.

   "You're talking to a rock!" Chloe remarked sheepishly to her father.

   "Metapod, are you hurt?!" Goh queried. The chrysalis Pokémon had fainted. One of its sharp eyes opened to reassure his Trainer. "Oh, thank goodness!" Goh sighed.

   "Goh?" a familiar voice called. Goh looked up. Someone had hustled his brown backpack into his lap. Goh looked up to see Ash standing there, his hands on his hips, Pikachu perched on his shoulder. "Hoenn region, here we come!"


   "Announcing the Battle Frontier Flue Cup, featuring the greatest Trainers and the strongest Pokémon !" said a male announcer over the intercom. Ash and Goh had finally landed in Hoenn. "Each Trainer will use two Pokémon per-battle as they rise through the ranks!"

   "And the winner will receive this beautiful five-color flute set!" a girl over the intercom announced. "I want you to enter! Now, don't be shy! Let's have a Pokémon battle!"

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