... CHAPTER 8: The Sinnoh Iceberg Race ...

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(YAY! We're finally at the chapter that I start to get funny!)

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(YAY! We're finally at the chapter that I start to get funny!)

Ash and Goh ran along the Vermillion City pier, pausing to look at the vast amounts of bobbing blue Pokémon in the water.

   "Woah!" said Ash with a chuckle.

   "Ooh!" Goh remarked.

   "Awesome! It really is a huge bunch of Tentacool!" Ash exclaimed, brown eyes bulging.

   "See? What did I tell you, Ash?" Goh said. Ash did not attend, but bent down and poked one of the blue Pokémon . Ash laughed.

   "Like jelly!" he remarked. The Tentacool turned around and blasted as with a Bubble Beam (What a simple way to get a dummy to shut up! Thank you, Tentacool!). Goh pulled out a PokéBall from his sweater pocket.

   "Right, I want one for me!" he said. "Which one?" he mumbled, scanning the crowd. "I should catch the strongest Tentacool I can find, right?" he muttered. One Tentacool looked back with a sharp glint in its eye. Goh smirked.

   "All right, let's go! Yeah!" he shouted as he threw the 'Ball. "And now, PokéBall, let's go!" But the smart Tentacool knew better. It moved to the side and let the 'Ball hit the slumbering Tentacool behind him. "What was that?" Goh jostled out in astonishment (He pronounced it "Wha wa dat?"), blushing fiercely. Yet, the PokéBall still sucked in the slumbering Tentacool. The 'Ball dropped into the water.


   "Tentacool has been registered to your PokéDex!" chimed Goh's RotomPhone. Goh smiled nonetheless and picked up his PokéBall from the water.

   "Yes! This'll do just fine!" he cheered. Scorbunny happily squealed from Goh's shoulder.

   "What's that?" Ash remarked, tilting the brim of his cap upward and gazing into the water. Something enormous was stirring up water and swimming toward the bay.

   "Something's coming!" said Goh.

   "And fast!" added Ash. "A Sharpedo?" he suggested. Goh pulled out a PokéBall, getting pumped.
   "No, it's a Gyarados!" he insisted. "And I'm gonna catch a big one!" A small shadow leapt from the waves. Both boys shrieked in shock. An incredibly thin blue Pokémon dissolved onto the pier, shaking in its tiredness.

   "Looks like a Piplup?! Whoa!" both boys exclaimed.

At the lab...

Piplup munched fiercely on the Pokémon food, devouring every bite until it was back to its normal shape. Ash pulled out his RotomPhone and held it down to the Pokémon .

   "Piplup, the Penguin Pokémon , a Water-Type. Piplup is a proud Pokémon and an excellent swimmer, and it has a layer of down that keeps out the cold," Ash's phone chimed. The boys were watching Piplup from the dining table while Professor Cerise sipped a coffee nearby.

Vol. 1: Pokémon Journeys!: The Research FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now