... CHAPTER 11: Flash of The Titans ...

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  "Here they are

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  "Here they are." Professor Cerise handed over two tickets to Ash and Goh where they stood in the holo-room, waiting for their next assignment. Both boys took a ticket.

   "'The World Coronation Series'?" Goh read aloud the bold black print on the ticket in wonder. "Not only that, but finals tickets! That's cool!" he finished.

   "Isn't it?" Professor Cerise chuckled. Ash looked up from his ticket, a curious expression on his face.

   "What's cool?" he inquired. Goh and the professor almost fell over.

   "Wait, Ash, you really have no idea?!" Goh grunted in shock. Down below, Ren pulled up a picture onto the holographic pillar from his computer. It was a photo of the massive pink battle dome taken by a drone. Ash perked up, interested.

   "Up until now, each region has had its own league or championship, each with its own Champion," Ren said.

   "But at the World Coronation Series, they choose the top Trainer from everyone around the world!" Chrysa finished, picking off from Ren.

   "That is really cool!" said Ash, having participated in many Pokémon leagues, and even winning one and becoming Alola Champion once. But he didn't tell anyone at the lab that. Goh leaned in.

   "And these are for the finals!" he said. "Tickets to the big showdown!"

   "Then... Then...," Ash paused, stuttering as a wide smile appeared on his face. "That means we'll get to see the world's best Pokémon battle for ourselves!"

   "Exactly," said the Professor. Ash just couldn't get over it. "It takes place in the Galar region. And there are many things that will happen in that stadium that will awe and amaze you!" Professor Cerise smiled and put his hands on his hips. "I want you to go and take in everything you possibly can!"

   "Great!" Ash said, nodding. "Thanks, Professor!"

   "I can hardly wait!" Goh said excitedly as Scorbunny bounced onto his shoulder. "And while I'm there, I'll catch tons of Pokémon !"

   "Scorbun!" Scorbunny exclaimed.

   "Right! So let's take off for the Galar region!" Ash said, thoroughly pumped.

   "World Coronation Series, let's go!" Goh said, getting psyched, too.


   "Scorbun! Scor!"

Later, on a plane...

The sky was a rusty red as the plane slipped through the clouds, fogged vision not deterring the steel bird.

   "I can't wait!" Ash said, looking out the window, Pikachu neatly sitting on his lap. As the PA chimed, the boys turned their heads.

   "We have just entered Galar region airspace," said a flight attendant from over the PA. Goh turned to Ash.

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