... CHAPTER 5: Mind-Boggling Dynamax ...

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Scorbunny leapt stop a suitcase and peered into the glass train windows, looking back at his clean, pure-white reflection and making silly faces

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Scorbunny leapt stop a suitcase and peered into the glass train windows, looking back at his clean, pure-white reflection and making silly faces. He thought of Goh, the reason he was on this train, and smiled.

"Mees-ster," Scorbunny mumbled. A flash of white light through the window threw Scorbunny out of his thoughts. As the light faded, Scorbunny could see vast fields of greens spreading in every direction, dotted with cloudy spots of Wooloo grazing. Scorbunny pressed his face against the glass in awe. He jumped off the suitcase, bounding to the cabin doors of the train. He knocked on the first, but when he opened it, it was empty.

"Mees-ster?" The second was also empty, filled with fashionable items.

"Mees-ster?" The third was filled with carrots, and a Bunnelby was chomping away. Scorbunny quickly closed the door to that one and raced to the next one, suddenly losing hope of finding Goh.

"Mee—ster!!!" Inside this one sat Ash's green backpack and Goh's stiff, brown backpack and a red thermos. He knew this must be their cabin, but it was empty and dark. "Mees-ster?" Scorbunny called out quietly, but nothing was there to respond. The sound of a familiar chuckle dragged Scorbunny out of the room and into the dining hall. Many people were having their breakfast here, but one table caught Scorbunny's eye. Ash tried to take a bite of his bread, but it was hard and sprang like elastic.

"Whoa, man. This bread is really tough to eat!" said Ash, garbled between bites. Goh sophisticatedly cut his bread in two with a knife.

"You could break it off into smaller pieces before eating it. Mmm," Goh offered, taking a bite of curry.

"Wow, that is a great idea!" Ash thanked his friend, referring back to when he called Goh a genius for bringing more scones and some milk tea. Scorbunny jostled forward, excited to see his friend. He bounced up, hoping Goh would notice him from a bit farther off. But Goh didn't; he kept eating curry silently as Scorbunny bounced around, hoping to catch Goh's attention.

"I got this feeling we're being watched," Ash mumbled to himself, but Scorbunny wasn't listening anymore. Instead, the white Pokémon was devising a plan to catch Goh's attention. He soon set it into motion. "Ah. Maybe just me," Ash finally said as Scorbunny creeped beside Goh's chair and waved his long ears back and forth just over the horizon of their table, but Ash was too busy eating to notice, and Goh was facing away. Ash had slipped his entire plate of curry into his mouth. "So good!" Ash exclaimed. Goh rolled his blue eyes.

"What is with you?" Goh retorted. Below Goh's chair, Scorbunny was fuming with anger.

"You try it, too, Goh! It tastes better that way!" the angered Scorbunny heard Ash remark, but he didn't really care what tasted good and which way it tasted better; he just wanted Goh to notice him. Scorbunny simply walked past their table, hoping Goh would notice him casually walking. But Goh simply grumbled: "I highly doubt that." and Scorbunny was back to square one. Goh slurped the entire plate of curry into his mouth uneasily.

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