... CHAPTER 11: Best Friend, Worst Nightmare ...

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It was a new morning

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It was a new morning. Red curtain blocked but a shaft of light through the window and onto Chloe's bed. She was still under the covers, trying to sleep. The alarm clock rang on the dresser. Yamper perked his ears and awoke, jumping out of his doggy bed and rushing to Chloe's bedside. Chloe's hand appeared from under the covers. With two fingers, she pressed the button on the clock and turned it off. She repeated back under the blanket. Yamper eagerly waited for her, pacing back and forth. Suddenly, the little collie got an idea. Yamper raced out the door and into Parker's room.

"Again?!" Parker shouted as Yamper yapped at him. The little boy and Yamper entered Chloe's room. "Come on, Chloe!" Parker sighed, his hands on his hips. "If you don't wake up soon, you'll be late for school!"

"I'm awake," Chloe groaned quietly, shoved the covers off her head. Parker was not impressed.

"Sounds a lot more like sleeping to me," he said pointedly. "Hey, Mom!" Parker yelled down the hallway, and Yamper howled.

"What is it?" Talia shouted, her tone of voice easily displaying her tiredness. Talia joined Parker at the doorway, holding a towel in her hand. "Chloe?" she called out softly. "I assume you won't mind doing your own hair. If you don't get up, that is." It took a few moments for Chloe to run this through her sleepy head, but she eventually shot her head off the pillow, revealing her furrowed, messy, completely terribly bed-head mop of hair.

"What do you mean?! Mom?!" she squealed in terror. She bounced up and down on her bed. "I can't do a thing with this mop without you and you know it!!!" She paused as she realized she had been tricked.

"Good morning," Parker and Talia said, Talia with a smile and Parker with a sheepish glance. Chloe blushed.

"Morning," she said. Yamper barked happily.


Professor Cerise looked out the window while he silently sipped a cuppa, pausing to glance at Talia's tablet on which she had drawn a little girl with messy purple hair and a Yamper. The professor smiled as he recognized it as Chloe with her bed-head. Back in Chloe's room, Talia was combing out her daughter's magenta-purple hair, tying it into a long braid with a flower scrunchy.

"You look very pretty," said Talia, admiring her daughter's hairdo through the mirror. Chloe smiled lightly.

"It looks great, Mom. Thank you!" she said, and Talia grinned.

"You're welcome, my dear," she said, folding her fingers together.


Chloe had put on her school uniform and sat down at the breakfast table where a stack of pancakes and salad sat, awaiting her.

"Oh, boy, pancakes!" she squealed with delight. Professor Cerise cleared his throat, catching Chloe and Parker's attention.

"A certain hungry someone's waiting for you," he said, gesturing to Yamper, who's green eyes were sparkling with anticipation, his tongue lolled out. An empty plate sat at his feet.

Vol. 1: Pokémon Journeys!: The Research FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now