... CHAPTER 1: Enter Pikachu ...

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Pallet Town was a peaceful, tranquil rural city within the rolling hills of the Kanto region

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Pallet Town was a peaceful, tranquil rural city within the rolling hills of the Kanto region. Somewhere in between these grasslands, a little house sits, buzzing with activity. Here is where young eight-year-old Ash Ketchum lives with his mother, Delia Ketchum, and today, Ash has found some particularly great news.

   "Hey, Mom!" little Ash shouted as he slid down the banister in his pajamas, gripping onto a poster. He swung around into the kitchen where Delia was hand-cleaning dishes with a hand-towel. Ash ran up to her pointing to his poster, bright-eyed. "Can I go, can I? To Professor Oak's Pokémon Camp?!" he begged. Delia looked down at her son. Ash took this as an invitation to go on. "It's a really cool trip to a Camp where you get to go and see Pokémon with Professor Oak!"

   "Oh!" said Delia, her eyes widening with delight. "So they have a Camp for that, too, then! All right, I'll fill you out an application."

   "Yay!" Ash said, and began doing a little dance all around the kitchen with his poster. Delia went on.

   "But I have an early appointment that day that I can't change," she said, unsure about Ash's capabilities on his own (He had a sort of habit of getting up too late). "Are you sure you can wake yourself up?" she tried asking, her hands on her hips.

   "Awesome! It'll be so much fun!" Ash said, unattending to Delia, using his favorite word, 'awesome'.

   "Are you listening?" Delia snapped, her brow furrowing.

   "Awesome!" said Ash, not attending to his mother, taking another glance at the poster. Professor Oak was in the middle of the picture--a cream-haired old man with brown eyes and a white lab coat--and he was surrounded with too many Pokémon for Ash to name off the top of his head. "I wonder what kind of Pokémon I'm gonna see!"


The trees in Pallet Town forest were green and full. Pokémon played together and basked in the sun, but one of them was... different. His name is Pichu. Anyways, Pichu heard something coming toward him and paused. It was a pair of Butterfree, coming to say hello. Pichu giggled and greeted them, too, but they soon flew off. After that, Pichu went back to looking around. Little did he know... he was being watched! Two gleaming golden eyes peered out of the hollow roots of a tree.

   "Ekans," it whispered through the dark. Pichu did not hear. Seeing its prey distracted, Ekans lunged forward, scaring Pichu out of his tiny mind. Pichu, thinking fast, let out a bolt of electricity, frying Ekans to the point it ran away into the forest. After Ekans was safely out of sight, Pichu whirled around and fainted. It couldn't control its powers yet, so it almost always fainted after it attacked. Pichu quickly sat up and sighed. Looking around, it saw a pack of Mankey whirling through the trees together, and two Nidoran nuzzling heads in the bushes. But Pichu didn't have anyone. So Pichu ran out through the forest and came upon a cliff where it paused and gazed out to the fields below. Dodrio rushed in massive groups while many Pidgey flew out on the breeze in flocks, and Spearow perched in the trees together.

Vol. 1: Pokémon Journeys!: The Research FellowsWhere stories live. Discover now