🔵 For You [Kevin Centric]

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Warning: Panic Attack!

Request: @KevinsSingingIsLife (I hope this chapter is fine 😁)

A/N: 2nd part of We're Here

Cruella was almost ending when everyone started to fall asleep. The first one to pass out was Jacob, then Sangyeon, then Chanhee, then Younghoon, then Hyunjae, then Changmin, then Haknyeon, then Sunwoo, then Eric, then Juyeon.

The only one who didn't fall asleep was Kevin. He couldn't sleep. Sure, his fever went down and his body and head doesn't hurt as much as before but something kept him up all night. Uncomfortable with his position, Kevin goes back to his room.

'Maybe looking through Twitter wouldn't hurt..' That was a mistake. As soon as he opened the app, he was flooded by an immense amount of hate comments on his latest post about his nails and hate comments about his past actions.

'God- those nails are so ugly'

'Why even bother?'

'He has no talent'

'He isn't even good at singing or dancing- why is he in The Boyz?'

'Poor The Boyz 😔 They have to deal with Kevin on a daily basis'

'Kevin doesn't deserve to be in the group'

He stared at the comments for what seemed to be hours though just a few minutes. 'What if.. What if they're right? I don't belong with them..' Kevin felt his breath get heavier. His pulse got louder and louder to the point where he can hear it in his head.

He tried to clench his chest to apply pressure but it didn't help. All he could do is sit there in agony as his chest contracted and tears flowed out of his eyes- his sobs as silent as a cat. All he could do is pray that someone would help him.

Sunwoo woke up moments after, feeling something off. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. It seems like they all fell asleep in the living room, all but one. 'Where's Kevin hyung?' The boy thought. "Hak- Hak- wake up."

Sunwoo shook awake one of their boyfriends. Haknyeon groaned but woke up. "Where's Kevin hyung?" Haknyeon was confused at first but when he looked around and didn't see the older, he panicked. "Hyungs- guys- guys, wake up!"

The two woke the rest of the members up. "What is it?" Changmin groaned. "Where's Kevin hyung?" They stopped complaining and looked around. "Frick! Check his room!" Sangyeon exclaims. They all went to check in Kevin's room.

Thankfully, Kevin was in the room. Not thankfully, they could see that Kevin as having a panic attack... or was it a nervous breakdown? I believe it was a nervous breakdown. Doesn't matter, what matters was all 10 of them rushed to Kevin's side and tried to help him.

"Kevin.. Kevin... Can you hear us?" Chanhee and Jacob took initiative in trying to calm the boy down since they were the most soft spoken and empathic of the members. Kevin just kept shaking his head, his right hand clenching his chest while the left was on his head.

"Kevin... Shhh-" Jacob placed a hand on the boy's shoulder slowly and let him relax to the touch. Slowly, Kevin noticed the touch and stopped shaking his head. "Can you hear us now?" Kevin nodded. "Good... Listen to us, ok?"

Kevin nodded. "Breath in slowly..." Kevin did so, though shaky. "Breath out..." Little by little, Kevin started to calm down. He wasn't crying anymore and he stopped clenching his chest which was a good sign. "Good job, Kebbie~"

After a few more minutes, Kevin was much better than before. "Kev.. Do you want to talk about it?" Sangyeon asks. Kevin was silent at first but he finally decided to open up. "I'm.. I'm tired- I know all of us are tired but, I feel so drained that it hurts."

"I try not to let it affect me but when I got sick, I didn't want any of you to worry about me. Then I went on Twitter... Am I a bad person? Am I not talented enough to be here? Everyone says that I should just leave the group... I feel like a burden."

By the end of Kevin's rant, he bursted into tears once again, only to be comforted by Sunwoo, Haknyeon and Eric. "Kevin hyung... Of course, you aren't a burden! Don't listen to them. They're stupid." Eric says, the rest nodding in agreement.

"But-" "No, Kevin. You have to understand that you're worth it. The Boyz will never be The Boyz with you- with out our Moonlight Kevin." Younghoon says. "And besides-" Juyeon adds. "If they don't see your worth, at least know that we see it."

Kevin wipes his tears and hugs all of his boyfriends. "I love you all so much..." "We love you too, Kevin." They all ended up in tears as they hugged each other as tight as they could. "Guys- stop. I can't breath~" They ended up laughing at Hyunjae.


After that incident, Kevin thankfully agreed to talk to a therapist. The therapist said that he had depression and anxiety which is sadly a common mental illness for other idols as well. They all took a small hiatus as Kevin took therapy.

It took a few months but it was definitely worth the wait. Sure, Kevin still had to take therapy but it wasn't as frequent as before. He learned how to open up more to his members and learned that they were willing to take in some of his burdens.

They were with him for a reason. They loved him and they made sure to remind him of that ever single moment they could. Right now, they were all getting ready for their concert- the first concert they would have after the short hiatus.

"Hello, TheB!" Kevin grinned. "It's nice to meet you all after our hiatus... Do you miss us?" A wave of screams erupted from the stadium. "All I want to say for my ending ment is sorry.. I'm sorry for having to worry you all and go on a hiatus."

TheBs screamed in disagreement. They didn't mind. The members' health was more important than a comeback. "I'm sorry for not being strong enough for all of you." Kevin continued. "But I have to thank you all as well."

Kevin wiped some of his tears. "Thank you all for the support you've showed me and love you have given me even though I feel like I haven't done enough." At this point, everyone was crying with the boy. His boyfriends all huddled up around him.

"I'm sorry for not being enough. But, I thank you for thinking I am." Kevin let out a shaky laugh. "I also would like to thank all of the members. Without you guys, who knows how I'll deal with all of this. Thank you for being there for me."

Younghoon was full on sobbing, making some of the others laugh with their tearful faces. "Thank you all so much." With that, the concert ended. The members were all getting ready to leave when they noticed something.

"Kevie hyung is sleeping." Eric says. Sangyeon reassures the maknae that they'll deal with it. When everything is in place, Sangyeon picked up the sleeping boy and brought him to the van. "Take care of him." The leader told the '97 liners.

They nodded and took Kevin's sleeping figure from the eldest. When they all arrived at the dorms, Kevin woke up slightly but had no energy to do anything. "Cuddle.." The sleepy boy says. "Cuddles." Everyone went to their places and cuddled the whole night.


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