🟢 Keep You Forever [Renyang]

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Warning: Abuse! Obsessive actions!

6 years. It's been 6 years of hardship, lies, deceit, pain- and yet.Yangyang wanted to hold on. He wanted to hold on for Renjun was his life, his love, his happiness. Without him, how will Yangyang ever feel again? How will he ever feel anything again?

Yangyang loves Renjun. Renjun loved Yangyang. Note the key word: loved. It's been years since Renjun felt the same amount of love for the boy like Yangyang feels for the other. He tried to make it work but the love that he once felt was gone forever.

It broke Yangyang's heart to know that the love of his life doesn't love him back anymore. Yet, he tried to make Renjun stay. He tried his best to make Renjun stay in his life- if not as a boyfriend, as someone important to him. It didn't matter as long as he's there.

Renjun tried multiple times to leave the relationship as it was not good to stay together for either of them but, Yangyang made him stay. Renjun couldn't do anything anymore and so, he stayed even though there was no more love between them.

Yangyang would talk to Renjun everyday but the other wouldn't reply. At first, he thought it was due to the boy being petty. Soon, he just got annoyed. Whenever he wouldn't answer, Yangyang would lash out and hurt the boy.

Every time Yangyang would hit Renjun in anger, the boy wouldn't do anything to fight back. No matter how hard Yangyang hits, Renjun would not react. That was not the Renjun everyone knew. Then again, he hasn't been the same for a while.

"Junnie~ Time for dinner~" Yangyang says in a singsong voice. He places two sets of cutlery, two sets of plates, two sets of glasses, and two sets of mats on the table. He waits and waits and yet, Renjun still has not yet come down to eat. "RENJUN!"

Yangyang started to get angry. He pushed back his chair harshly and stomped up the stairs to get to the boy's room. "RENJUN!" He bangs and bangs on the door. Still, he doesn't reply. With one final bang, Yangyang knocked down the door.

He pulled Renjun out of his bed and started to slap him. He slapped, kicked, punched, and even pinched the boy- hoping to get a reaction. Nothing. That made Yangyang angrier. The boy was now blindsided with anger that he losy control.

"You are under MY roof. You shall do as I say or I'll kill you!" Yangyang exclaims before going back to beating the boy up into submission. "You are mine! You are mine forever and it shall stay that way. You are never leaving me!"

Yangyang stopped and left once he felt satisfied and went about his day, leaving a bruised and beaten Renjun alone in a cold room. Ever other day ended up like this once. Still, for some reason, Renjun never tried to leave the house or the relationship.

Does he have no shame or dignity left in him? This has been going on for years- the last two years of their now 6 year relationship. Not once did Renjun leave the house. Bot once had he seen his friends. They soon caught on and got concerned.

They tried calling the boy multiple times but it always ends with a voicemail. Even though Renjun usually ignores their calls and texts, he'd never leave them hanging for this long. 2 years of no contact? Something was terribly wrong.

"POLICE! OPEN UP!" The policed knocked on Yangyang's door, being the friend group's last resort. If Renjun won't come back by chance, he'd be brought back by force. No one opened the door leading to the policemen to break it down.

The house was empty. No one was at the kitchen, living room, backyard, or anywhere in the first floor. One by one, the police went around the house to search for anything they find suspicious. Renjun's friends stayed outside as they waited for any news.

The police went upstairs to check all of the bedrooms. They saw no sign of Yangyang nor Renjun, but they did notice a trail of blood that couldn't be more than 2 hours old. They followed the trail which led them to a room at the end of the hall way.

One of the men banged on the door before kicking it down. There, they saw the dead body of Liu Yangyang, laying on the floor- dead. They turned his body around to see that he had shot himself. Seeing slightly fresh blood meant he killed himself hours ago.

But what shocked everyone and made Renjun's friends burst into tears was what the police saw afterwards. On the bed laid a beaten and bruised corpse that was nearly unidentifiable as a person. The corpse was not new, no. It seemed to be years old- around 2.

When the boy's friends heard the news, they understood what had happened. 2 years ago, Renjun had told them about his feelings for Yangyang and how they vanished. Instead of leading him on, he told them that he'd leave him.

After that day, a weird text came from Renjun before he cut contact with all of them. 'I won't leave him just yet. I decided to be with him forever.' At first, they thought it was just Renjun being dramatic again but he never contacted them again.

They didn't realize how important that message was in understanding what happened to their friend. But now, they knew what had happened to Renjun. "Yangyang didn't want Renjun to leave him... So he killed him." One of his friends said.

"He wanted to keep our friend for himself. He wanted to keep him forever." Another pipes up. "I- If he can't keep Junnie alive.. He'd rather keep him dead." Another spoke up. "Now that they're both dead, they'll be together... forever."


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