🔵 Kind [Jacob Centric]

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Warning: SA! (I warn you all, my Fellow Tangerines... Read at your own risk)

Request: @Chybabe07

Everyone knows how much of an angel Jacob is, whether it is to his members, their staff, his friends or other people he does not know. Jacob knows how to get mad, at least, what mad feels like for him. He has gotten more expressive if he does say so himself.

If the members do anything he doesn't exactly approve of, he will scold them. Never a full on screaming match but he does raise his voice to prove that he is not joking around. Jacob is also very strong, even though his personality makes him look soft.

That man exercises with the gym jockeys of The Boyz which were Kevin and Hyunjae, believe it or not. He doesn't work out as much as them but he did work out a lot. Jacob's muscles and strength are not one to be teased about.

He didn't have any motivation to work out that much though unlike Kevin, who wanted to beat up Hyunjae and Hyunjae, just because he wanted to not get beaten up by any other member (read: Chanhee). That boy can be scary when he wants to.

Deobis would switch between Jacob and Chanhee when setting up a 'mother' of the group. With Jacob's angel-like personality and his age, he was always the first candidate but with Chanhee's natural caring and 'motherly' instincts, he was also considered.

Why is Jacob's nice personality being brought up? Because of how nice he was, it was, sadly, easy for him to be manipulated into things he doesn't necessarily like. But because of his personality, he can't seem to say stop or no.

Don't get him wrong, Jacob can say those two words to people he is close with since they know what he is actually like but to strangers, call him a people pleaser all you like but Jacob wants to keep a good impression of himself in front of others.

Even when that person is doing something really bad, he didn't want them to think of him as a tattletale or a bitch. He just keeps his mouth shut and turns a blind eye. So when a new makeup artist came by to do their makeup, Jacob never spoke up.

"Jacob goes on last since his outfit is still being prepare, if that's alright with you." Their manager said before directing that last bit of the sentence towards Jacob. Jacob nodded. "Kevin and Q are up first. Boys, go to the seats."

Kevin and Changmin stood up and sat down on the seats where their makeup artists were supposed to do their makeup. Jacob brought out his phone and just started playing on it. He unconsciously ignored everyone around him.

Time passed by quicker than he expected and by the time he died on his game, 5 out of 11 members were already done. "Hyung, Hyeji noona is not the makeup artist there." Jacob looked up from his phone and faced Juyeon.

"Not Hyeji noona? Where is she?" Juyeon shrugged. "I think she left for her maternity leave. She was pregnant the last time we saw her." Jacob sighed but with a chuckle he said, "Juyeonnie, we saw Hyeji noona last month. She was definitely pregnant then."

Sheepishly, Juyeon slightly scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, I need to change my clothes now. See you later, hyung!" Jacob waved as Juyeon walked away to the other room to change. There were still 3 more members left before he could get his makeup done.

Soon enough, it was only him and Sunwoo left in the room. "Please take a seat here, Jacob-ssi." Jacob complied and took a look at the makeup artist. True to Juyeon's words, it was not Hyeji noona, their usual makeup artist. It was a new girl.

"My name is Heo Mian, I hope you will treat me well." She bowed as a sign of respect towards the idol she was about to put makeup on. "I'm Jacob, I hope you will treat me well, as well." Jacob returned the bow on his seat and adjusted the cover.

Mian started her routine, applying primer, putting foundation, all of that jazz. By the time they were doing eyeshadow, Sunwoo has already left, as well as the makeup artist that was working on him. Those two were the only ones left in the room.

Jacob was just relaxing as Mian placed eyeshadow on his eyes when he suddenly felt something touch his... private parts. "I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped the eyeshadow brush and I had to get it," Mian apologized when Jacob's eyes shot open.

Flustered, Jacob just accepted her apology and shut his eyes once more to let her continue her work when it happened again. This time, Jacob noticed how he did not feel anything drop to his lap and how much longer the touch lingered.

"Wh- what are you doing?" Jacob's voice had an edge to it but Mian waved it off. "You said to treat you well and you agreed when I said to treat me well. Let's just say, I am going to make sure the both of us treat each other very well."

Jacob was no Juyeon. He wasn't slow in picking up social cues. With the sultry voice she had going on, he knew what she was implying. "Shh~" She placed a hand on his mouth. "You're a good boy, am I right? Jacob the Angel of The Boyz."

He felt tears start to accumulate in his eyes but he didn't move. He felt guilty for allowing her to touch any part of his body without consent. She was right, Jacob is a good boy. Way too good for his own well being. And he hated it.

With one more squeeze on his private which brought out tears, Jacob felt his limp hand being picked up. He closed his eyes. He couldn't speak. He should have spoke up, screamed, shoved her off, anything to stop this from happening.

But he didn't. He wanted the fans to know that there was a different side to him, a bad side but for some reason, at that moment, BadCob was no where to be found. All that was there was the Jacob everyone saw him to be, kind and naive.

He was made to do things he wished he didn't do. He cried as Mian controlled his body, not doing what she wanted him to do but not fighting her off whenever she made him do something. Jacob felt ashamed.

His makeup was a mess, his eyes were red and puffy. Mian forced him to stop crying and fixed up his makeup to make him look brand new. Like nothing that has happened prior actually happened. "You're a good boy, Jacob. Don't tell anyone."

A/N: ....If this chapter is a bit too much for my fellow Tangerines, can't say I didn't warn you before hand


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