Chapter 3

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                      (Winter POV)

We are flying on the border of the ice and sky kingdoms to hunt for some boars. I said to Venom.

Venom turned to me with a smile still on his face and gave me a questioning look but replied with, that sounds great.

It won't be when we are done. I thought knowing that this will be the last time he would see Venom. I looked over to Hailstorm who was holding a the sack with all the tranquilizers. He nodded his head at a large open plain with mountains surrounding it, the plains had a small amount of animals scattered here and there, but in the middle was four sky-wings.

Ah, Winter, Hailstorm why are there four sky-wings down- Venom said before he was hit with a tranquilizer and Hailstorm grabbed him and we flow down to the sky-wings.

Finally, you arrived. said a sky-wing with red scales, red armor, and a large scar over his right eye. So this is the dragonet that we are here for, gesturing to Venom as he lied on his side conches but still tranquilized, looking at me with betrayal in his eyes.

If I may, asked the sky-wing pointing to some chains.

Go right ahead, I said as Hailstorm whispered something to Venom that made him go wide eyed and have a sad exasperation cover his face. Then Hailstorm put two more tranquilizer in Venoms neck and he was out.

That will keep him out for the rest of the journey to the sky-palace, I said to the sky-wings and me and hailstorm left flying to the ice fortress to finish his mothers plan.

Winter, said Hailstorm, do you think that we did the right thing?

He was a descries to the tribe and it was necessary, I replied, everyone will get over it. 

Ok, Hailstorm replied, but sounded like he felt sorry for Venom.

We flow for an hour and a half until we landed at the fortress and I went and firmly knocked on the door. After a few second a sand-wing opened to door and we walked in.

Where is my son, Questioned Blaze.

We were hunting and a sky-wing patrol ambushed us, I said trying to make it sound like I pitied the lose of Venom. The sky-wings pinned me and Hailstorm but Venom saved use by offering to take are place.

Winter, Hailstorm we are happy that you made it out but- Blaze said before Icicle burst into tears and ran off. 

What is with Icicle, asked Hailstorm having the same questioning face as everyone else except Snowfall.

I know, Snowfall stated with sadness in her voice.

Well, why is she the one how burst into tears, said Narwal, they're just best friends, not family.

Icicle is going to kill me for this, Snowfall muttered under her breath nearly to quietly to hear.

Why would she kill you, I asked.

Because I promised not to tell anyone that she had a crush on Venom, and I think that her gift to him was going to be her kissing him. Snowfall spoke gently.

Everyone was stunned by this information only able to stare in bewilderment at Snowfall.

What! Tundra, Blaze, and Narwal screeched all at ones. Icicle has a crush on Venom!

How did we just find this out and not see it in the little stunt she pulled a while back? Asked Queen Glacier. 

What stunt? Blaze and Tundra yelled in unison.

I think Queen Glacier is referring to when Icicle was found asleep under Venom's wing. I said feeling guilty about hurting my sister.

Is this some sick joke! Tundra screeched. My daughter would never, never sleep with that disgraceful hybrid son of a bitch!

TUNDRA!!! Queen Glacier hauled.

But most surprising was Blaze's reaction as leaped and tackled Tundra to the ground, held her barbed tail inches from her heart, and snarled. Never insult my son in front of, behind his back, alive, or dead never talk about my son like that ever again or I will drive my barb throw your heart.

This show of ferocity was beyond unexpected from Blaze it was alien to see her even be this close to killing someone, when she is known for being a pacifist.

Blaze, please calm down and get off of Tundra. Queen Glacier calmly spoke. I will be reprimanding her for her actions myself.

Alright, but I will do what is said if she ever says something like that again. Blaze said firmly.

I think that will be something to look forward to not happening. I said out of line. And perhaps we should find Icicle.

That is probably a good idea, Blaze said with a sad sigh, everyone the party is over. Then she walked off to find Icicle.

I was just about to fallow after them but Queen Glacier stopped me and said. This is a talk that is not for are ears Winter, Icicle will come back to the ice palace when she is ready. And with that we left to go back to the ice palace. 

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