Chapter 4

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                           (Venom POV)

This feels great, I thought as the wind blow underneath me.

We are flying on the border of the ice and sky kingdoms to hunt for some boars. Winter said.

I turned to face Winter with a smile still on my face and I gave him a questioning look but replied with. That sounds great.

Something feels off, we never fly to the borders of the ice kingdom without at least a few more dragons, and even then we don't go far. 

Then I noticed a large open plain with mountains surrounding it, the plain had animals scattered here and there, but then I noticed four sky-wings in the center of the open land.

Ah, Winter, Hailstorm why are there four sky-wings down- I said before I was hit with something. Hailstorm then grabbed me and we flow down to the sky-wings.

Finally, you arrived. Said a sky-wing with red scales, red armor, and a large scar over his right eye. So this is the dragonet that we are here for, the sky-wing gesturing to me as I lied on my side conches, but unable to move, looking at Winter and Hailstorm with betrayal in my eyes.

Hailstorm walked over to me, bent down, and spoke to me. Venom, I am sorry, but Tundra wants you gone and if you ever return to the ice kingdom Blaze and Icicle will pay the price.

My eyes widened and then a sad exasperation cover his face as I realized that I would never see Icicle and my mother again. Then Hailstorm put two more tranquilizer in my neck and I blacked out, only making my last word come out in a soft whisper. Please, protect Blaze and Icicle from what I can't.

When I woke up, it took me a second to register that I was in a large thrown room covered in gold and precise gems.

He is finally awake. Said a dragon.

Took him long enough. Said another dragon but with a deeper voice.

I turned my eyes and saw two dragons, a sky-wing with with ruby's embedded in her scales most likely the sky-wing Queen, and the dragon to her side was a dragon that had wished to never meet, a sand-wing with scar's all over her body and dark sandy scales, my aunt Burn. 

Instinctively, my body went into a bow.

Mmm, you are a smart dragonet, knowing to bow to a queen. Spoke the sky-wing queen. And surprisingly attractive as well, don't you think Burn?

Yes, dragonet what is your name? Asked Burn in a gravely voice.

Venom, your majesties. I replied calmly trying to hide fear.

Venom, of the sand-wings or ice-wings? Questioned Burn seeming to see throw my calm voice to see that I was hiding something.

I am of both tribes. I replied again with a calm voice.

Are by chance you of royal decent? Asked the sky-wing queen.

Ah, no, why do you think that? I said now feeling sweaty.

Your poster is that of a royal. Replied the sky-wing queen.

Burn all of the sudden got up, walked up to me and looked at my scales intently with a Mmm.

What are you looking for Burn? Asked the sky-wing queen.

I know this scale treatment, so tell me prince Venom how is Blaze. Burn said clearly knowing that I couldn't get out of this question with out admitting that Blaze was my mother.

Wait, this dragonet is your nephew! Said the sky-wing queen clearly surprised.

Yes Scarlet, this is my nephew and I know that he is my nephew because the way his scales are treated is the same method that Blaze came up with to get blood and dirt out from under the deepest parts of scales. Explained Burn.

So what if I am your nephew, you can't use me as a hostage and you will most likely stuff me like all the other weird things that you collect. I said wishing that it was not true.

He does bring up a good point Burn. Queen Scarlet said. And a strong young dragonet will do wonders in my arena as entertainment. 

Well if that didn't sound entertaining I would disagree with you, but I still want his dead corps to be stuffed. Burn said with a wicked smile.

Ma-may I ask as my one request for my hatching-day to not be referred to as prince, but as just Venom. I said to the dragons that I stud before.

Oh, so it is your hatching-day, that is quite the coincidence for you to be born on the same day as the dragonets of destiny. By any chance are you one of them? Said Queen Scarlet intreating Burn as well.

No, I was born in the ice kingdom not in the desert sands. I replied. 

Well if we find the dragonets of destiny and you are still alive then maybe you will become useful  for something other than entertainment. Replied Queen Scarlet.

But what about my request? I said more firmly.

Well, if you don't want to be called Prince, then that is fine. Replied Queen Scarlet. You will be put in the arena tomorrow, but for now you will be in my champions room because of space problems. 

Is it wise to put him with Peril. Questioned Burn. 

It's for one night, he will be fine. Stated Queen Scarlet firmly. And Peril will make shore that he doesn't leave.

Fine. Burn grumbled. But I want wing clamps on his wing, that way he can't fly off.

Fair enough Burn. Replied Scarlet. Guard's get in here and bring this dragonet to my champions room and clamp his wings!

Seconds later two guards rushed in, clamped my wings, and basically drug me throw the sky palace to a room with a copper colored sky-wing, and left.

Hi, you must be Peril, Queen Scarlet's champion. I said to the sky-wing that I assumed was Peril.

Yes, and why are you in my room? Said Peril.

I am here because Queen Scarlet put me here. I replied.

Fine, but don't get close to me or you will burn. Peril said.

Why would I burn, you think that making contact will make melt. I said trying to make a joke out of what she had said. Also, I have no intent to get close to you in any way.

Dooley noted, and was that a joke?

Yes, of corse, sky-wings aren't my type. I Said while thinking. I don't even know what my type is.

Well, I don't think that you are my type either, but we can be friends for the time that we know each other. Replied Peril with a smile.

Well at least I will have a friend in this nightmare. I thought. And with that I walked over to a small open corner, that was next to the window, I got to know Peril. We chatted for hours until she yawned and fell asleep. loving me to my own thoughts.

I looked out the window into the night sky. This was supposed to be one of the best days of my life, and tomorrow mite possible be my last day that I am alive. No, I am not going to die, and I will see my mother and best friend again. But how will I survive? Then it hit me, immortality. If I can't die then I will life to see them again, but is it worth it to never die, what would mother want, what would Icicle want. She will want to see me again, I haft to do this for them. I enchant my soul to make me immortal and that I will never lose my powers, strength, and willpower to keep going. 

After I finished the spell I went to bed hoping, No ,knowing that I will survive.   

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