Chapter 7

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                       (Blaze POV)

It had been nearly one month and Glacier still couldn't get a rescue plan together to get my son back. By now there is no guaranty that we could save him, the sky-wings are to powerful and if we attack the sand-wing stronghold, would it be worth it, risking death for him. My son is strong, he will survive Burn, all I need to do is win this war so that I can see him again, cartel him in my arms and never let go. 

Princess Blaze, said a sand-wing, Queen Glacier is here with news about are problems in the sky-kingdom and she has a sky-wing with her for interrogation.

My head wiped around and I stood up, following to guard out of my chamber.

Blaze, I have some news. Queen Glacier said trying to raise the tench-in that surrounded me.

Yes Glacier, is this news about Venom? I questioned hoping that it was good news.

We captured this sky-wing and have gotten word of your son. Glacier replied.

Well, are you going to tell me what has happen to him or am I going to need to pry it out of someone. I said.

Blaze you don't need to get hot headed. Glacier said trying to calm my anger. We have gained more land towards Queen Scarlets palace, and have caught word of Scarlets next battle in her arena.

And what about my son! I need to know that he is alive! I shouted at Glacier.

Ah, your majesties I think that if you plan on getting into the sky-kingdom, you best be ready for combat and heavy resisters from the sky-wings. Said a dark red sky-wing. And don't expect me to help you in because Scarlet will kill anyone that her enemy value.

Tell me sky-wing, did Burn get any new dragons added to her collection recently? I asked.

How am I supposed to know, I work with the talons of peace, not for that worm Scarlet. The sky-wing spat out.

I would like to speak with this sky-wing in private Glacier. I said calmly.

Blaze I can't permit that, you are too valuable to do that. Glacier said but I didn't care.  

If this dragon is the way to get my son back then it is a risk worth taking. And if it meet means braking ties with Queen Glacier then so be it. All that maters is having my son back, not this stupid war or being queen.

Glacier, how close is Scarlet's palace to the the land that we have taken? I questioned.

Around twenty mile. Glacier replied. Why do you ask?

If my son is that close to are territory, then why have you not sent a rescue party for him! I scolded.

Tundra is doing good on her campaign, and will be at Scarlets palace in a matter of weeks. Glacier said.

Tundra, TUNDRA, she fucking hates my son and is not afraid to show it, she probably would kill him her self! I yelled in fit of absolute rage, some much so that everyone backed up I fear. If you are not sending a rescue party tonight, then I will go and get him my self! Then I stormed right back into my chamber. 

As I entered, I slammed my chamber door shut sharing Scorpio, my sons pet and gift to me for my twenty something hatching-day. His words to me when he gifted him to me were "mother now you have a friend, a companion, a sword and shield" the last bit I didn't quite understand, maybe he enchanted Scorpio to do something, but all that I know is that when ever Scorpio is scorpion he acts like a loyal soldier, if you can ever call a scorpion a soldier that is. But when I found out that Scorpio could turn into metallic jewelry like a neckless, a tiara, or my favorite a bracelet, which all ways seems like something is there when it isn't, like an invisible shield.

Hi Scorpio, sorry about that little guy. I said to Scorpio.

Blaze. Said a young female voice.

I turned around to find Icicle siting in the corner of my chamber. Icicle, why are you in my chamber and when did you come in?

I came in shortly before you came back, and I came here to ask you if you wanted to go and rescue Venom. Icicle said with a faltering confidents.

Icicle, I want my son back as much as you, but if I go with you then what will happen when Glacier finds out, and it's not like I'm saying I don't want to go now either.

Blaze, I was in the front lines fighting, I had pined one of the younger sky-wings to the ground, and drug him away for self interrogation. He said that Venom is in the arena and I going to be killed in three days for angering Scarlet. And when I told my mom she said that that is a shame and she would try harder to get to Scarlets arena. Icicle said with small tears forming in her eyes.

And why is this so alarming? I asked.

Because after I told her, she walked off and I followed her. She went into her tent and I over heard her she "if that rotten dragon ever comes back I will kill his mother and see how he likes that". Icicle said sadly.

After hearing this, I was fuming. If Tundra is threatening my life to get rid of my son then she can think again. Icicle, you and me are going to the sky-kingdom now. I commended.

I walked out of my chamber with Icicle behind me. Glacier was still here and looked at me and Icicle. But I didn't care, all I wanted was my son and I will go and get him back. I was at the door before Glacier released what I was doing.

Blaze, you can't go after your son, it is too dangerous, Tundra will be at Scarlets palace in at least two weeks. Glacier said looking ready to pin me down to stop me.

We can't wait two weeks, he will be died by then. Icicle said. And my mother won't do shit about it!

Icicle watch your language. Glacier roared at Icicle. I have faith in your mothers abilities to see that there needs to be a rescue party sent in.

Like she would ever do that! Icicle screamed. She knows what will happen and she said in her own tent that if Venom came back she would kill Blaze! She doesn't carry about his life, the only reason that she even is doing this campaign is because you told her too.

Glacier there are two options, one me and Icicle go and get my son back, or two we wait for Tundra to send a rescue party the we all know she will never send. I said defiantly.

Glacier looked at me for a few seconds before nodding her head and I knew that she was not going to stop me.

You best then go, but I ask that you be safe. Was all Glacier said.

And with that me and Icicle left the fortress and took off, flying to Scarlets palace, and no one was going to stop me from having my son back. Not even Tundra.

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