chapter 10

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                         (Scarlet's POV)

Was this really happening to me? I thought trying to look around at all the dragons around me. Men it is hard to see with my face like this.

"Mother, is this true?" Ruby asked me again.

I turned to look at Ruby, my sorry excuse for a daughter, and spat out, "So, I am the QUEEN, and what I do is mine to do."

"You actually made an agreement to sleep with another dragon!" Ruby yelled. "Mother that is something that all dragons, in every kingdom's, know not to do."

"Well, so what. this is my kingdom and I am Queen! I can do what ever I want to do!" I yelled back at Ruby.

"Not if you aren't queen" Ruby retorted.

"Are you saying that you are thinking of challenging me for the thrown" I hissed out.

"Yes, yes I am." Ruby said back standing in front her son. "You have rained for long enough."

"No I have not. My ran will be as long as my life" I shouted.

"In consideration of your current situation, you don't get to choose" Venom said in a calm voice.

If he is going to force my to lose my kingdom, then he will lose something that he values as well. But what does he value most his mother or that ice-wing. 

I turned to look at Venom, he was standing in front of that ice-wing. So he values he over his mother, then she will die.

I turned my gaze to look at Venom, he looked calm and was it content. Was he content with being with this ice-wing, well then he will suffer her death. And with that I jumped at her ready to  end her miserable life. 

Everything then slowed down, she was just e few feet from my claws and then every thing stopped. I couldn't breath and then the searing pain hit me. When I looked down all I could see was an ice-wing tail impaling my neck.

My vision started to fade and I was thrown to the cold ground were I had once been standing a powerful queen, now on the ground, blood oozing out of my neck and mouth. I could faintly hear talons trampling around and all my eyes could look at was Venom's blood covered tail. He attacked me, Me, the dragon that helped him not to die and all I asked was to sleep with me. Is it that bad to sleep with a queen?

"V-Venom ... why?" was all I said as everything went black and I found myself in hell.

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