Chapter 8

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                  (Venom POV)

Well, life sucks, I am living in a foreign kingdom as a prisoner of war, my life is suppose to end tomorrow because I refused to sleep with the queen, and I can't go back home to my mother because then she will be killed. So I am brought back to the question, what am I going to do, Scarlet has offered me a second chance to appease her in bed, but that goes agents my morals. I can leave, but then I would be endangering my mother and best friends life. If I do nothing then everyone will find out about my magic.

 Ah, why me, why is this choice so hard. I basically yelled.

You good Venom? Asked a green sea-wing that I had become friends with.

Nothing much Gill, just the biggest decisions of my life. I said. You have made some of those right? 

Gill let out a laugh, he was like the dad I never had, able to help me with choices that were difficult for me to understand. And we even shared regrets that we had, like his regret about how he treated all of his sons or how he wished that he could meet one of his daughters. It was understandable that a father would have this many regrets with all of the dragonets that he has had, but I feel sad for him only having sons and only ever having one daughter that tried to kill her mother. 

Gill, if you knew that you had three choices, one being to go agents your morals, two run from your problems and endanger those that you care for, or three have your most heavily guarded secret revealed, what would you do. I said hoping that he could give me an answer to my problem.

Hmm, that is a difficult question to answer. Gill replied.

Well what if you were in my claws, how would you do it? I questioned.

Gill sighed before replying. Venom I can't help you with that question, if you run from your problems then you endanger others, going agents your morals is something that you can look back on and regret, or bringing a secret to the light. Now if this secret is not yours to share that is one thing, but if the secret is yours and the only one that it affects is you then I would say loosing one of your secrets is better than any other option. 

Thank you Gill for your insight, and if it is in my power, I will try and help you get home. I said with a smile finally coming to my face in weeks.

Well, I thank you for your promise, but it is getting late so I am going to get some sleep. Gill said returning the smile.

That sounds like a good idea. I replied.

And with that both me and Gill drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


I awoke some time later, to something cold rubbing back and forth agents my scales.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to find a female Ice-wing that I instantly recognized despite the darkness around us.

Icicle. I said in a low tone. What are you doing here?

We came here to get you, you big silly. I said as she rested her snout on my shoulder clearly happy to see me.

I put my wing over her before I released something. Wait, Icicle did you said we, as in plural? I questioned.

Ya, me and Blaze came here to rescue you. She said snuggling into my wing a little more.

My head instantly shot up and found my mother siting on the ledge of the pillar. She had a smug smile on her face, like she knew something that I didn't. Then I noticed that she was looking at my, tail? When I followed her gaze, I found that me and Icicles tails were entwined. My face started to heat up and my mother started to giggle.

Venomous SnowWhere stories live. Discover now