Chapter 11

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                      (Venom's POV)

"Well, that is over." I said blankly.

"Venom, did you just kill Scarlet?" Icicle said almost scared.

"Yah, and if I hadn't, you might be dead. Is it that bad to have saved your life?" I said trying not to be angry with Icicle. "If you were in my place you would do the same for me."

"Venom that's not what I mean ... you just never where so willing to kill before, and now you don't even give it a second thought. You have changed from the dragon that I once knew." Icicle said trying to squelch down her tears.

"Icicle, even if something about me has changed, I can still be the same dragon at heart." I said trying to justify my actions, even though there was no real need to kill Scarlet, I just wanted to get rid of her because she was a thorn in my claw.

"Venom-" Icicle began before I stopped her.

"Icicle, please, I understand what you are getting at, but understand that I will try to do better, for you. I will always love you in my heart as a friend and more." I said walking up to Icicle and gave her a kiss that what was supposed to be short and on the for head, but Icicle had a very different idea.

Icicle rapped her arms around my neck, pulled my snout into hers, and as passionately as she could, kissed me.

It took my mind a second to comprehend what was happening. Icicle had just brought everything to almost a stand still and as Icicle started to pull away, my mind got back from its vacation. 

Are lips separated enough for a small breath of air before I pressed my snout back in for another kiss and Icicle didn't refuse it.

After about thirty seconds, we pulled away again and hearing a high pitched squeal.

We both turned to see that everyone was looking at us and my mother was going crazy. But it wasn't happiness on her face, but that of confusion.

"Venom, why are all these dragons staring at you and Icicle, and what was that squeal from?" My mother asked.

"Ah, mom you just missed me and Icicle kissing." I said as casually as I could.

"You had your first kiss and I missed it!" My mother yelled in dismay.

"Ah, sorry, it kinda just happened." Me and Icicle said together.

"Well, at least give me a hint next time." My mom said before giving me a hug. "I'm still happy to know that you are finding love."

"Thanks mom." I said returning the hug.

"Now I expect that you stay alive and come back, understand?" my mother whispered into my ear and let go of me.

"Okay, like I wouldn't do that" I replied cheerfully, then I turned back to Icicle.

"So you are going to go with them?" Icicle asked nodding her head at Gill and the dragonet's of destiny.

"Yah, and after that I guess I find my father on some island" I stated simply, however Icicle had questions.

"Sense when have you ever wanted to meet your father? And do you know where to go to find him?" Icicle questioned me.

"In the explosion there was this bright white light that surrounded me and then this ice-wing walked up to me and addressed me as his son. Then as the light faded away, he said to find him on the forbidden island." I said to Icicle.

"Forbidden island, that sounds like it is a place that is, I don't know, FORBIDDEN!" Icicle said trying to sound dramatic. 

"I know that, but I just need to understand his side. If he what'd to meet me long ago then he would have come to find me. So my question is, why now?" I said to Icicle.

"Do you really think that it is him and not just some other dragon?" Icicle asked me as she walked around to my side and snuggled herself under my wing and rested her head on my shoulder.

"In all respects, I don't know if it is him or not. My mom doesn't like to talk about him, and all I can get out of her is that my father is a mystery and he raped my mom." 

"That sounds terrible to haft to go through, but at leased you came out of it, right?" Icicle said scooting as close to me as possible.

I sighed, and looked at Icicle, who was happily leaning into me.

"How did I end up with an amazing dragon like you." I said affectionately to Icicle.

Now the sun was setting and Queen Ruby walked over to everyone.

"Everyone" Ruby said in a loud voice "Sense it is getting to be late, you may all stay the night and tomorrow leave. Oh, and Gill tell your wife that the sky-wings are out of this war."

"I will do that and if you can get the mud-wings out of this war that would be greatly appreciated." Gill said standing protectively next to his daughter.

"I can try my best." Queen Ruby stated.

"Your majesty" Peril started "may I ask to share my room with Clay and his friends?"

Everyone looked at Peril like she was melting.

"Peril, a word if you please." Queen Ruby said flicking her tail.

Icicle leaned over and whispered into my ear. "What's with those two?"

"Their relation's are strained from Scarlet's actions." I whispered back.

"Okay, so Venom, want to have some fun tonight, sense we may not see each other for a while." Icicle said suggestively.

"Oh really, well it looks like I have something to look forward to tonight." I said with a smirk.

I had a pretty good idea of what Icicle had in mind, but the problem is if we can get away with it.

I was pondering that question when Peril and Queen Ruby came back. Peril seemed super happy for some reason and Ruby just looked annoyed.

"Alright everyone, follow my guards and they will bring you to the guest rooms, Gill and Blaze you will get the to spare royal rooms, Venom, you and your friend can have Scarlets room, and you, mud-wing, you go with Peril. Ruby said the last part almost reluctantly.

"Why?" said the mud-wing.

"It was Peril's request, if she hadn't said something you would be with the others." Ruby said irritably "Now, go."

The mud-wing started to follow after Peril.

"And Peril, NO FUNNY BUSINESS." Ruby yelled after them.

We all walked of to are rooms and that night was a night that would stay in my mind forever.

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