Chapter 5

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                  (Icicle POV)

Winter and Hailstorm walked in to the fortress. Where I Venom? I thought looking at my brothers.

Where is my son, Questioned Blaze.

We were hunting and a sky-wing patrol ambushed us, Winter said.

My eyes already started to water up not wanting to here the rest of what Winter was going to say. But I needed to know if he was all right. 

The sky-wings pinned me and Hailstorm, but Venom saved use by offering to take are place.

Winter, Hailstorm we are happy that you made it out but- Blaze said before I burst into tears and ran off. 

I ran down the hall into Venoms room, jumped onto his bed, grabbed his pillow, and balled my eyes out. 

The one dragon that I could be myself, the one could be there to make me feel better, the dragon that I loved. All scripted from me and he may never know that I love him. Never tell how he feels about me. And he may die and became nothing more than another souvenir in Burns ever growing collection.

Icicle? Said a voice from the door.

Y-es. Was all I chocked out between my sobs.

I hurried about you and Venom. Said the same voice, and a warm presents next to me.

I turned my head to find that Blaze was sitting next to me just like Venom would do for me.

It's not fair that he has to suffer because of one good choose to save my brothers, he deserves to be here with all of us and to be happy. I sobbed with tears running down my snout.

I would agree, but you know that he couldn't do that in good couchins force them to die in an arena for other dragons entertainment. Blaze said with a sad expiration growing on her face.

I-I know that, but, but. I said right before I completely broke down and balled my is eyes out into Blaze's shoulder. I want him back Blaze, I want him back and to never let go.

Blaze put her wings around me I a gentle embrace, just like Venom would. She let me cry like this for hours before saying. Icicle, it's getting late, you welcome to sleep in Venoms bed for the night. I will discuss with Queen Glacier about a possible rescue, but we can't do that if we don't have some sleep. 

All right. I replied with a few tears still rolling down my snout. And with that I rested my head down on Venom's pillow, attempting to fall asleep.

Oh, and Icicle. Blaze said. If Venom comes back, you and him are free to go on a date if you get him to ask. And with that Blaze left.

Blaze's last words rang in my head on repeat. If Venom comes back, you and him are free to go on a date. He will come back, that I was shore of, I will see him again. And with that I fall asleep, not to the horrors of losing Venom, but to the future were I will see him again. And to the possibility that he will fall in love with me, making me the luckiest dragon ever.

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