Chapter 12

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                   (Blaze's POV)

"Ah, finally morning", I said stretching my wings with a yawn. 

Blaze calmly looked out the window lettings her mind drift. Back, back her mind went, to a similar moment in time when she was waiting on Glacier to come by and give her a report about the war and if something had come up.

There was the sun rising over the horizon and you could almost forget that there was a war that was claiming hundreds of lives every day, and yet all that was so far from her. She always told herself that everything was fine and that nothing bad would ever happen to her because she was to beautiful to die. 

That could not have been more wrong as she started to remember what happened to her so long ago. The icewing that had raped her in her own room and then was gone again like the wind blowing the sands over the tracks that you just made.

Blaze pulled herself out of that dark moment in her life, because every time she would look at a morning like this she would be drug back to that dark and horrible moment of her life.

Sometimes Blaze would wonder what it would be like if that dark moment of her life never happened, what would it have been like to never having to raised Venom or to have ever seen what the real world was like. No, Blaze had always told herself that it was all for a greater purpose in life, but, what was her part, to be the happy princess or to step up and be the strong queen everyone was expecting her to be. Ever sense that dark day Blaze never again tried to be an innocent dragonet but to grow up to be a strong dragoness. And all of this she did for her son, her son that was finding love, her son that was helping to protect her with everything that he had in him, her son that was leaving to go find a dirt spiting dragon that had done nothing but bring pain to this family. Blaze had tried her best not to dwell on that last thought to much.

"It will all be over soon Blaze, and Venom will be safe that you can put your faith in", Blaze said to herself as she turned to exit her room and find her son.

 She walked out of her room to find the seawing king, king Gill, standing outside her door looking half conflicted on what to say, and he was startled when Blaze had opened the door.

"So, your majesty", Gill began before I cut him off.

"Blaze is just fine you know", I said to him.

"Ah, yes anyway, Blaze I understand that Venom will be accompanying me to the sea-kingdom, is there any requested that you have regarding his stay in my kingdom", Gill politely inquired.

"Yes there is is one, I want under no circumstance to find that Blister has hurt my son in anyway like Burn and Scarlet did, understood?", I said to Gill.

"Understand loud and clear" Gill replied as we stopped at Scarlet's old room.

We gently opened the door to find Venom and Icicle both still asleep. They both had smiles on their faces. Icicle was under Venom's wings and Venom was protectively curled around Icicle. 

I laughed silently to myself and walked over to Venom and gave him a kiss on his head. and turned to leave, but then noticed something on Icicle. And after a closer look I found that she was wearing some tight fitting harness . I looked from Venom to Icicle wondering if they had been doing something last night that I had not approved of.

Gill must have understood what was going on and forcefully drug me out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing?", I said in anger.

"I pulled you away from them because you were going to blow your head off, besides me and Coral did the something when we were there age", Gill said in as calming of a voice as he could.

"Oh, so your saying that just because you got away with it means that they can to", I said still mad.

"No, I'm saying that they haft to learn and you learn from the decisions that you make. They will just learn from this is all. You shouldn't make them feel bad when they already are going to leave each other", Gill said defensible. 

He was right, this was the happiest I had ever see them and it was not right make them feel bad as it was. I breathed in deeply and sigh.

"Fine, but neither of them are off the hook for this", I sternly stated.

"Well, lets go before they wake up and find us spying on them", Gill said walking down the hall.

I followed Gill down the hall and soon we were in Queen Ruby's throne room. Ruby was sitting in her throne with her son next to her.

"So everything is done with, Burn and Scarlet are dead, Moorhen has agreed to back out of this war like the skywings, and the stronghold is yours along with all of Burns forces. So what will happen sense your son is friends with the king of your enemy?", Queen Ruby Questioned.

"Well, I think that this was a war between me and my sisters and not a multi-tribe war, so I say no more alliances, just sandwings. Is that an agreement that can be made?", I said looking at Gill and Queen Ruby.

"I think that I speak for all the tribes when I say that we are tired of war and all want peace", Ruby said.

"I can convince Coral to back out of this war if you can guarantee you will do the same with Glacier?", Gill asked.

"I believe that can happen as soon as I get back to the Ice-kingdom." I said right before the doors opened up and venom and Icicle walked throw them.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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