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jasmine was eagerly awaiting for the elder swan to notice it was her at the door and let her in. she'd only rung the bell 30 seconds ago, but she was practically simmering in anticipation to see the newly returned and slowly recovering bella swan. bella hadn't reached out to any of her friends since coming back to forks, which irked the witch, but she understood slightly. being in an accident (no matter the accident being lied about) and being around technology could make your head hurt quite a bit.

one time when they were younger, jackson accidentally pushed her a bit too hard, and jasmine fell down a flight of stairs. it hurt like a bitch, she ended up using crutches for a while, and every time she stared at a screen for too long an awful migraine would start pounding away in her head. it sucked.

the witch was brought out of her thoughts by the door opening, and she smiles when charlie appears before her eyes. his scowl quickly shifts into a smile, as welcoming as he'll show to someone he hasn't known for very long, and he greets her pleasantly.

"hey, jasmine. you here to see bella, i'm guessing?"

"yeah, i am. is she doing okay? the accident must've been really bad, maria told me what happened," she says sympathetically, and the man nods solemnly.

"mhm. it worried the hell out of me. uh, anyways, um, bells is in the kitchen, you remember the way, right?" at her nod, the man smiles again, but then scowls once more as he looks outside suspiciously. jasmine could only guess he was looking for edward who could possibly be lingering around, but the girl didn't say anything and started her small trek to the kitchen.

her eyes landed on bella almost immediately, taking in the boot she was wearing and letting a pleasant, concerned smile form on her face when the other girl looks her way.

"bella, hey. i know you're probably getting tired of people asking this and all, but are you okay? you had us all pretty worried when you just disappeared like that," she says, taking the seat opposite her friend. she notices bella's eyes widen in surprise at her words, refraining from raising an eyebrow at the emotion. did bella think none of them actually cared about her? just because they weren't freaking vampires?

"oh, uh, hey, jasmine. um, yeah, i'm doing better, thanks for asking. you're actually the, uh, first person from school to come over and ask," she states, biting her lip slightly and averting her eyes.

now, jasmine knew she was partially right, and she didn't want to be judgey. none of their other friends had driven over to personally check on her, having been caught up with family things and extracurriculars and the like. none of them had hung out after school in the last week, and there were valid reasons for them not checking on bella in person. but, jasmine knew that angela, and mike, and even jessica had texted, asking if she was okay, and jasmine knew angela had taken a video of the group of them wishing her well.

but jasmine didn't want to accuse bella of trying anything. she knew the other girl was still trying to adjust to their friend group, especially since jessica made it kind of obvious she wasn't the biggest fan of the swan girl. also, she'd just gotten out of an accident and probably wasn't looking at her phone very much, so she had valid excuses as well.

shaking those thoughts out of her head, the graves girl smiles, and gently takes bella's hand.

"just know, if you need anything, i'm here for you. okay? if you have trouble sleeping, i have this tea that does wonders for nightmares and insomnia. or, if you just need someone to talk to, we can sit down and eat junk food while you vent. i'm here if you need me, because i'm your friend, and if you're suffering, you don't need to suffer alone," she says, voice gentle as she rubs her thumb over bella's knuckles.

bella honestly didn't know what to say. her lips were parted slightly in surprise, and her body was a little tense, but she was quickly relaxing with the soft circles jasmine was making over her skin. she hadn't expected jasmine to be the person to try and comfort her out of the people she'd come to know in forks, thinking the vietnamese girl was just more quiet or didn't really like her. but, seeing the sincere look in the other girl's eyes and the kind smile on her pretty lips made bella's heart flutter in thankfulness, swelling at the thought of someone genuinely caring about her as a friend.

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