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the months leading up to summer vacation were filled with nerves and anticipation.

jasmine had spent the majority of that time studying and hanging out with her friends, trying to balance her school life, social life, and her supernatural life. hiding her secrets proved to become harder with every passing school day, what with the cullen siblings always attempting to talk to her — minus rosalie, who would simply glare at her for reasons she really didn't care for.

bella had slowly been drifting more towards the cullens and away from her human friends, which aggravated jasmine to no end. it also worried her, but she didn't allow anything other than aggravation to flow off her when jasper was around and the swan girl left them, because she already knew he was suspicious of her.

her distancing herself from them didn't help much, because alice would usually find a way to talk to her. it would normally happen during the few classes the two of them had together, and she'd get uncomfortable with the constant questioning, causing hailey to jump in and save her.

hailey was her lifesaver during the times the cullens tried to talk to her. she hadn't asked the other girl to do it, but the quilete teen had taken it upon herself to do so, and jasmine greatly appreciated it. it had strengthened their friendship over the last few months of their junior year, and hailey had slowly integrated herself into jasmine's main social circle.

unfortunately for them, though, tyler was moving. he'd been living in forks his whole life, and was suddenly about to move? none of them liked it, with mike being rightfully the most upset. but they were thankful that he was allowed to spend the rest of the school year with them.

"so, jasmine! your hot spanish girlfriend is coming back to forks for the summer, right?" the said boy questions teasingly, and the rest of the table smirk at her or make kissy faces. bella wasn't currently sitting with them, too busy with the cullens, but jessica catches her glancing at them from the noise and lets out a tiny scoff.

"yes, she is. but not the whole summer, and she's coming with joseph, too," the vietnamese girl states in response, rolling her eyes and flicking her friend in the head. he dramatically falls back in his chair, making the rest of the table either laugh or roll their eyes at him, and he springs back up with a grin.

along with strengthening her friendship with hailey, jasmine had met bella's childhood friend, jacob black. his father, billy, had become a good friend of marcus, along with harry clearwater and charlie, and so it wasn't uncommon for the men to meet up for food or just to chill and bring some of their kids around. jacob tended to get a bit nervous around her, but the more often they met up, the better friends they became. bella even hung out with them sometimes, but not as often as jacob would've liked.

his crush on the swan girl was extremely obvious.

tyler moved in the first couple of weeks of summer break, briefly getting to meet joseph before he was swept out of forks and onto the road. he and mike called every day, but jasmine noticed how the blond boy would get annoyed sometimes when his supposed "best friend" would call.

overall, things were going quite well for jasmine and her family. over the summer, they would surf and watch movies and just chill, and rosa and joseph were natural additions to their family, so they fit in easily over the summer months. the two didn't spend as much time as they wanted in forks, having to go back to their town a couple weeks before school would start back up. it was upsetting for all three of them, but they knew their summer of fun had to come to an end somehow.

and the start of senior year came upon jasmine quicker than she'd ever wanted it to. there were so many things she had to worry about, and the constant stress was not helping her at all.

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