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Oliver Hayden
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Oliver couldn't handle his alcohol for the life of him.

He just can't control it.

Alcohol spreads through his veins, it becomes warm and intoxicating. It's easy on the soul, everyone's problems seem to just disappear under the influence.

But at the same time, a new problem appeared. You, his boyfriend. You didn't go out for a drink with the group since you needed to prepare for an upcoming Civics test.

Now under the influence, his hormones are out of proportion. Therefore, as soon as this little party was over, he rushed out into your room. Bumping into walls and clinging on doors for support.

Hearing the click of your door open, you sprang up. Grabbing the closest object near you as protection.

Seeing your boyfriend slump past the door, your shoulders dropped instantly. Gripping at your shirt roughly.

"What the fuck babe!?" The h/c boy yelled out, watching your lover topple over onto the bed.

"MmmM mhMM m"

"You nearly gave me a heart attack you ass!"

The blonde lifted his head up, smiling up at you before speaking. "You were going to attack me with a pillow?"

"..what?" Confused, you looked down. Indeed, you were holding a pillow.

Ears turning red in embarrassment, you were quick to attack, bringing the f/c object down on the unexpecting teen.


The Haydens boy crawled over to you, hands snaking around your hips, pulling you onto the bed with him. His face nuzzled into the spare space between your shoulder and neck, his hair tickling your skin lightly.

Giggling at the tingling sensation, you brought your hand through his hair, the soft strands feeling natural in your grip.


Humming, you looked down to him. His gaze feeling intense, a flushed look adoring his features.

Looking to the ceiling, you tried to keep any perverted thoughts at bay. Then suddenly, you felt soft lips attack onto your neck, sucking on your bare skin. You groan once you feel his teeth press lightly there, eyes closing, body shivering underneath his grip.

The taller/shorter boy chuckled, looking over at you before whispering, "you know... I've thought about this, alot right?" He practically growled, his husky voice rang in your ears while his fingers wrapped around your throat.

Oliver tips your chin up, your faces now mere inches away from one another, lips grazing, breath mingling.

"Please.." you breathed out, needily grabbing his shirt.

"You want it princey?" His teasing voice rang out, giving your neck another quick squeeze.

He feels you nod, his lips still hovering over your own. You watch Oliver, eyes searching his body, landing on the evident bulge growing at the front of his red shorts.

He grinned, feeling your eyes on him.

Unexpectedly, he let go. Backing away a few centimeters to reposition himself. "Come here love"

You crawled onto his lap, ass positioned above his bulge and legs attached on either side of him. You take a shaky breath once face to face with your lover, his hands resting firmly on your thighs.

His hands slowly making their way up your shirt, unbuttoning them all one at a time before sliding it off of you.

He licked his lips, bringing his head down towards your nipple. Making slow, passionate circles with his tongue over your bud.

Going hard after the second swirl before he moved over to the other one, his hand replacing where his mouth once was.

Becoming satisfied with your quiet pants, he quickly took his own shirt off, bringing his hands back down to the waistband of your pants.

Looking up for consent before continuing.

Quickly doing the same to the blonde, the two of you laid naked on the white sheets, gazing into each other before continuing.

He moves back to grip your legs, running his hand down your exposed thighs before stopping just at your base.

Trailing sloppy kisses down your smooth legs, only stopping at your shaft before doing the same on your other leg.

The motions leaving small electric zaps through your body, a euphoric feeling erupting whenever he touched just the right spots.

He brought his head up, positioning his cock at your entrance before slamming his lips on yours. His tongue sliding in to hastily taste you.

The alcoholic aroma now hitting you like a bus as his tongue clashed on yours, a short competition between the two going on as you both fought for dominance.

Feeling his lower slowly enter made you gasp, giving him enough time to claim victory. The heated kiss becoming further intimate.

Groaning into the face sucking, you blush feeling him stretch you out. No matter how many times you take him, you never get use to the stretch nor the limits he can break. His cock easily slipping in and out.

He lifts your hips slowly, allowing him to pull a few inches out. Watching the length come out of you, he couldn't hide his arousal. Loving the fact that only he's made you feel this way.

You felt so good, so tight around him. He couldn't help but tell him exactly that, hushed words proclaiming his love for you and your body over and over again until the praise sends you into a twitching orgasm.

Riding out your high, he looked down on your beauty, smiling brightly. Even in your sweaty, panting, shaken up state, you were still so handsome to him.

From your glistening eyes to the way your hair shook when you moved. It was all just so perfect.

How could someone like you ever like some drunk like him? It was a wonder to all.

Though he'd never once think about leaving you. Never.

You're his everything. And he was definitely yours. Though neither of you would admit it.

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Peace 👋

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