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It was always thought that only your drift partner could see your memories. That wasn't true.

The Jaeger's minds and personalities were blank slates ready to be molded and shaped to reflex their pilots.

But to do this they had to break the line between non-sentient and sentient. Coyote Tango had gotten close to that thanks to Stacker Pentecost. Gipsy danger on the other hand had broken the line.

And right now she was staring down all of the Precursors at once. She was mad at them for taking Yancy from her. She was mad that they had killed every single other Jaeger. She was mad that they had caused this whole war.

When her reactor core self destructed she thought of all her greatest memories. She remembered when she first became sentient. She remembered when she had killed Yamarashi. She remembered when she alongside Horizon Brace and Lucky Seven killed that massive category three in Manila, but she couldn't remember its name.

Gipsy remembered when she met Mako. She remembered when she killed Leatherback and Otachi on her own without any help. Gipsy would've shedded a tear of happiness if she could.

However, she just closed her eyes.

However she awoke in a room that was white but peaceful. "W....where am I?" Gipsy asked herself sitting up and she looked at herself.

She was still missing her left arm and was still heavily damaged on her right leg. "And how am... am I able to speak." She finally added as she looked around.

"You have battled honourably Gipsy Danger." A gentle and calm female voice said and Gipsy looked around trying to see where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" Gipsy asked still trying to find the voice however that's when she felt a soft but warm touch on what was her left arm.

The mark three looked up to see what looked like a human girl in her early twenties with hair going down to her back and she was also wearing a white dress that went down past her feet. "You have proven that you are willing to sacrifice yourself for others. I am here to offer you a new chance at life with your pilots." The voice said and Gipsy looked at her confused.

"I accept." Gipsy said instantly and the voice offered her hand down to the Jaeger and she grabbed it gently.

"Brace yourself Gipsy Danger, this will hurt." The voice said and before Gipsy could answer a pain shot through her arm as she felt herself heal but then start to change.

Back in the world of the living a few hours later, Mako and Raleigh were busy trying to drift inside the conn pod of Tacit Icon, who was just found out to have sentience.

Mainly due to the fact that the Jaeger's pilots had mysteriously died in the conn pod during the double event.

"He's still refusing to listen?" Mako asked as Raleigh walked out of the conn pod in defeat.

"He took his pilots leaving pretty hard, almost as hard as Gipsy did when I left." Raleigh said glancing back at the mark three.

"Yeah. But I wish there was a way we could comfort him." Mako said and she heard the mark three Jaeger's figures twitch slightly.

However that's when the conn pod door opened on it's own with a low creak being heard. It was as if the Jaeger was offering for them to get inside.

The two pilots looked at each other briefly and then entered into the conn pod and strapped in. "This is LOCCENT to Tacit Icon. We are getting unusual amounts of readings coming from the waters outside the shatterdome." Herc's voice came over the radio.

"Copy that marshal we'll check it out." Raleigh said in reply as the Jaeger was deployed on patrol. The two drifted with Jaeger and each other.

Mako raised her arm and Raleigh did the same and they both did Gipsy's iconic fist to palm movement and the two started to walk through the ocean.

A hand breached from the ocean as Tacit walked by. However the Jaeger suddenly stopped and looked over were the hand had breached the water. "Do you see that?" Raleigh asked as Tacit turned to look at the spot the hand had emerged from. The Jaeger's spotlights landed on the hand.

"It's a human girls hand." Mako stated and in sync they crouched down to scoop up the girl. However as soon as they lifted her in front of the conn pod Raleigh's jaw dropped.

The girl looked almost the same as Mako but with red highlights in her hair and wearing a gunmetal blue tank top and pants. She looked to be either fifteen or sixteen years old. "This is Tacit to command, we found the source of the readings. It's not a kaiju over, I repeat not a kaiju." Raleigh said into the comm unit for Tacit Icon.

"Then what the hell is it?" Herc asked and Raleigh answered with.

"It's a human girl." Raleigh stated as he briefly glanced at the young woman that lay in the palm of Tacit's hand.

"Just get back here so we can sort this out." Herc stated and the mark three turned to walk back to the shatterdome.

When they got back the young woman into the medical bay. "I'm curious on how she got there." Mako said as she then looked at Tacit Icon which stood motionless.

"There wasn't any scuba gear on her and there was no wreckage of a boat either." Raleigh said his arms crossed.

"Mako, Raleigh, come with me." Herc stated and the two pilots followed him.

"Is something wrong marshal Hansen?" Raleigh asked and Herc only answered him once they were in his office.

"I need you two as temporary pilots for Tacit Icon. In case the breach reopens and the kaiju start to attack again, I need our only Jaeger able to still be able to face off against kaiju." Herc stated and the two nodded.

"Yes sir." Raleigh said as the two then turned to leave.

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