Russian Chasing

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"NYET!" Raleigh blearily opened his eyes and sat up looking at his alarm clock.

"I'm going to kill some Jaegers." He thought bitterly as he saw the time.

"What time is it?" Mako yawned from her side of the bed.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." Raleigh replied as he pulled on his dark blue sweater. He then ran his hand through his blond hair to clean it up.

Mako's feet touched the floor and she shivered. Drawing her sheets over her cloths. Raleigh opened the door only to nearly have his head taken off by an army green and white blur.

"NEYT! NYET! NYET!" Followed by a yellow and red blur. Then after the red blur disappeared from his field of view a red and blue blur came speeding past him which nearly knocked him off his feet.

"Gipsy! Cherno! Crimson!" Raleigh growled in annoyance. "What are you three doing?!"

"They're trying... to... catch... Cherno." Came Coyote's voice as he came panting heavily towards Raleigh.

Sierra following closely behind him walking. "Why?" Raleigh asked the blue eyes teenager.

"He..." Coyote broke off as he was knocked off his feet by Cherno as he ran past him.

"Sorry comrade!" The Russian called as he ran. Coyote then sat up but Crimson tripped over him and soon Gipsy sandwiched the mark IV between her and Coyote.

"Ow!" Crimson yelped as Gipsy jabbed him with her elbows. "Gipsy! Get. OFF! Elbows!" Gipsy then quickly scrambled off of her three armed companion as Sierra walked up.

"Sorry Crimson." Gipsy laughed nervously. "But hey, at least my elbows aren't as sharp as Striker's."

"And your not as heavy either." Coyote added. "But both of you. You both come close to it." Raleigh chuckled as Mako peaked outside from the doorframe.

"What are you five doing up anyways?" Mako asked finally.

"Well none of us could sleep." Coyote started but Sierra cleared his throat. "Most of us." He corrected himself. "So we decided to play at the beach. Striker then tackled Cherno into some wet sand and got sand all over him." Coyote explained.

"And where's Striker?" Mako asked and Gipsy answered with.

"Taking a bath." Gipsy answered.

"More like you shoved him into the bath with his clothes on." Sierra pointed out as he crossed his arms.

"Well anyways we're now trying to chase Cherno down after he found out bath meant water." Coyote said getting back on topic.

"Yeah he's a hell of a lot faster in his human form then in his halfway form." Crimson said. "We've been chasing him ever since."

"What time is it even?" Mako asked.

"Two." Gipsy answered.


"You sound like Yancy." Gipsy and Raleigh said at the same time and Mako closed an eye.

"Not that we'd love to chat..." Crimson started. "But Gipsy, Sierra, and Coyote. We have a Russian to catch."

After a long chase, the four managed to corner Cherno. With Gipsy approached him cautiously.

 "Now Cherno." Gipsy said calmly. "It's not going to kill you..."

"NYET!" He snarled as his eyes flashed dangerously as he backed up until his back touched the wall. Gipsy backed up a bit before turning to Sierra, who just shook his head in response, not wanting to get close to the hulking Russian Jaeger. 

Gipsy then looked at Crimson. Who sighed in response.

"Call upon the master now, huh?"

"Master of what?" Coyote asked unimpressed and Crimson shot him a glare. Crimson then stalked forwards his arms in the same positions as they were for his iconic power move.

The thundercloud formation. Crimson's flesh and blood right arm snapped out and Cherno grabbed it.

His left arm followed suite and Cherno grabbed it as well. "Got you now." Cherno growled darkly.

"Cherno. How many arms do I have?" Crimson asked sweetly with a smirk. Cherno frowned in response as he mentally counted. His eyes widened and he looked at his metallic arm as it snapped out and grabbed Cherno's hat.

He then flicked it over to Gipsy who then passed it to Sierra who flicked it over to Coyote. Who juggled with it in his arms before clamping down on it.

The Russian mark one bellowed in rage and Coyote jumped pretty high in Gipsy's opinion. "N-now C-Cherno." The blue eyed Jaeger stuttered. "Y-you can h-have you're h-hat b-back when you t-take a b-bath."

Cherno glared at three of his four companions. Then he let out a sigh and bowed his head in defeat. "Da." He finally said. "Will get... bath."

He spat the last word out like as if it were poison. Soon hours later the Jaegers walked into the mess hall covered in bruises, probably caused by Cherno or the chase that started to make him take a bath.

Striker had a black eye while Sierra was fine for the most part, aside from a bruise on his knee from when he banged it on the bathroom counter when trying to make Cherno get into the bathtub. Cherno meanwhile sulked at the end of the table not speaking to any of his companions. His hat jammed so far down you could barely see the top of his ears. 

"Next time Sierra gets to hold him down." Striker grumbled as he pressed a bag of ice against his eye.

"Yeah no thanks. Tacit can do that if he ever becomes human." Sierra said whilst looking over at Cherno was looked away from him grumbling a few curse words under his breath directed at the Canadian mark four. 

"I heard that!" He exclaimed at the Russian, who just ignored him.

However that's when Raleigh and Mako rushed into the mess hall. "Has anyone seen Tacit?" Mako asked and the Jaegers shook their heads.

"No we haven't, what's wrong?" Gipsy asked and Mako then responded with.

"Because he's not in his hanger bay." After she had finished speaking Sierra had leapt from his seat and bolted off in the direction of the Jaeger hanger bay.

The others followed closely behind. Sierra searched everywhere for where the mark three could be hiding, but he then suddenly sprinted outside.

Once outside Sierra sprinted down the beach and saw a dark blue and red blob laying on the beach, the blob almost looked like human teenager.

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