Oblivion Bay Part Two

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The comms channel was a mess. Crimson had just gone down and Striker had soon followed suite. "Raleigh whatever you do don't let Gipsy touch that armour!" Herc yelled into his radio after contacting the shatterdome.

"It's to late for that Herc." Raleigh answered as a loud scream was heard that most likely came from Gipsy.

Gipsy meanwhile was crying hard as her human body started to turn into her old one and she ran from the lab.

Raleigh and Mako chased after her as she ran into the Jaeger hanger bay. "Tacit!" Gipsy screamed in desperation as her vision was blurred due to her tears.

"Gipsy? What happened?" Tacit asked as he knelt down to look at her. He then noticed her body changing to that of her Jaeger armour. Gipsy hugged his finger as tight as she could without hurting him.

"I'm scared." Gipsy mumbled and Tacit answered with.

"It's okay to be scared Gipsy." Tacit said as he watched her visor appear over her eyes and she blacked out from the pain. Meanwhile, back in Oblivion Bay, Sierra looked at his right shoulder to see his iconic arm mounted sniper railgun start to make it's appearance.

Sierra struggled to gain his footing as his visor appeared. His memories flashed before his eyes, however he remembered when both of his pilots were impaled by the kaiju's bladed tail.

Finally his whole body was now back to being his Jaeger body. When he stood up to his full height he realized he was back to his original height. "Tendo?" Sierra asked looking around trying to find the man.

"Down here."  Tendo called out and Sierra looked down at his feet to see Tendo looking up at him and the Canadian mark IV knelt down onto one knee.

Gipsy meanwhile woke up and felt something restraining her and she lifted her hand. She felt some holding her in place and she grabbed it with her hand. However she couldn't reach it and she lowered her arm but noticed it was metallic.

Gipsy realized it was metallic but the thing that upset her the most is when she looked down after Raleigh shouted up at her. "Gipsy are you alright?!" She realized that she was a jaeger again and let out an inhuman scream.

Striker meanwhile in Oblivion bay lay on his stomach not moving as he was also back as a jaeger, despite the fact that the only thing left of his old hull was a part of his left T-16 angel wing. Herc put a hand on the smooth metal of Striker's servo.

"Striker!" Herc shouted. "C'mon, son, wake up!"

Striker didn't respond. Herc then fell to his knees. Although he wouldn't admit it, Striker over the past few days had almost became a son to the marshal.

Like Chuck, Striker was go. Herc closed his eyes as tears started to form. "what are you cryin' for, old man?" Came a weak statically but familiar voice. Herc's head shot and he looked in the visor of his jaeger. "so you really do care." Striker chuckled with his visor brightening in laughter.

"Striker." Herc growled as the mark V struggled to get onto his pedes. "You son of a..."

"Now, do ya think we should probably find the others?" Striker asked as he straightened up to his full height.

"Good idea." Herc nodded. Striker proceeded to crouch down and offer his servo to his pilot.

"C'mon old man, up ya get." Striker said and Herc looked slightly at his jaeger.

"Don't call me that." Herc stated as Striker placed him on his shoulder and the Mark V started to walk. However Striker then passed the remains of Atlas destroyer.

Tendo watched as Sierra helped Coyote get up onto his pedes.

"C'mon old timer. Up you get." Sierra said jokingly and Coyote looked at him slightly annoyed similar to Herc.

That's when Cherno alpha and Crimson typhoon arrived also as jaegers again. "What took you two so long?" Coyote asked and Cherno answered with.

"Brawler Yukon's remains nearly fell on Crimson after his hull disappeared." Crimson nodded in agreement silently as Striker then arrived.

"The Copters will be here soon." Herc said as Striker lowered him down to the ground as the sound of helicopters filled the air a few minutes later as the jaegers were lifted into the air and carried across the ocean.

"Herc I'm getting a bunch of unusual readings from the area the breach was closed." Tendo said as he handed a tablet to the marshal.

"Bloody 'ell it's reopened." Herc stated as a Kaiju signature appeared. This one a direct copy of the category three, Knifehead. "Raleigh I need Gipsy and Tacit deployed. Now!" Herc yelled into his radio.

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