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Raleigh and Mako stepped into Gipsy's conn pod while Tacit was already deployed. "Just like old times." Raleigh said after the drift was initiated.

"Yeah it is." Mako answered as they moved in sync with Gipsy as she was dropped into Hong Kong bay.

"I'll hold the coastline. Gipsy, you stay on the miracle mile. So if you guys need assistance, I'm just a bit away." Tacit said over the comm channel. "Don't do anything reckless you three." He then warned and Gipsy snickered softly.

"Me? Reckless?" Gipsy asked teasingly. She then went back to scanning the water and Tacit noticed something large swimming in the ocean.

"Gipsy! Movement on your left." Tacit called out and Gipsy looked over in that direction and just saw the waves move, gently.

"I don't see anything." Gipsy answered as that's when a kaiju burst from the ocean. Said Kaiju however was a direct copy of a notable category three, Knifehead. the category three slammed it's tail into Gipsy's torso.

Gipsy went flying backwards as Tacit charged forward to assist her, activating his plasma casters and he fired them at the kaiju and it roared in pain as the shots hit it. Gipsy froze in place as she watched Tacit slam his fist into the kaiju's nose and pushed it onto it's back.

But then the Kaiju kicked the mark three backwards and then got back onto it's feet. The massive kaiju then walked over to Gipsy and slashed at her torso repeatedly.

But Tacit then pried the kaiju off of Gipsy and threw it backwards, using all of his mechanical strength.

Gipsy started to chase the RABIT while Tacit was slashed on the chest by the Knifehead copy's claws, making the mark three yell out in agony as the claws ripped through his chest armour. From inside of Gipsy's conn pod Raleigh watched as Tacit was overpowered by the kaiju and it threw him back with a tail swipe. However, they couldn't take over manual control. 

Raleigh and Mako were basically forced to sit back watch as Tacit Icon and the Knifehead copy battled, with both combatants trading blows with one another. But it was clear that the Kaiju was starting to overpower the Jaeger as the Knifehead pushed Tacit over onto his back and stomped down on his chest to pin the mark three down.

Suddenly a horn blasted through the air as a grey and red blur rushed past Gipsy and that blur materialized into Sierra Vigilante who slammed into the kaiju full speed and he stabbed the kaiju in the shoulders with his sting blades. 

"Oi, save some for me!" Striker called out as he rushed into the battle shortly after Sierra had.

"Nyet I break kaiju now." Cherno stated as he slammed his fists together.

"No not until after I'm done blasting it." Coyote stated as he readied his ballistic mortar cannons to fire.

"No let me slash it first." Crimson growled, however, Tacit then walked up and activated his plasma infused blades.

"No after me." He stated as the Kaiju leapt at him but Tacit slashed it with his blades. Crimson then lunged forward and swung his saw blades at the Kaiju's flesh, cutting thin blue cuts into the Kaiju's flesh.

Cherno then slammed both of his fists down on the kaiju repeatedly causing blood to dribble down from it's eyes on the right side of it's face.

While also breaking several of the Kaiju's teeth. Coyote like Cherno started to kick and punch the kaiju repeatedly until he backed off and Sierra fired a railgun bolt at the kaiju blasting off it's larger right arm.

All of them were shouting something but Gipsy couldn't hear it. She was so tired. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Raleigh suddenly asked.

"I'm in your head so yes." Gipsy answered. Gipsy staggered forwards as Tacit was choking the kaiju with his plasma chokehold and electricity from his plasma casters ripped through the kaiju, burning it badly.

He then stepped back and Gipsy stabbed the dying kaiju through the chest with her chain sword. "This is for Yancy!" Raleigh and Gipsy yelled at the same time as they thrusted the blade forward into the slash mark Tacit had made.

The Kaiju let out one last weak roar and then died. It's lifeless corpse fell backwards into the ocean. Gipsy stumbled for a bit and fell into Striker's arms as he caught her.

"You did good Gipsy." Striker said as he helped her balance herself on her pedes.

"Thanks." Gipsy answers as she then activated her plasma casters and then fired them repeatedly into the Kaiju until there was barely anything left to identify it. "No pulse." She replied dryly.

"Now... I... just... need..." Gipsy then started to fall. However she felt someone catch her. She guessed it was either Coyote, Sierra, or Tacit.

Hours later Newt and Hermann walked out of the repair bay. "How is she?" Everyone nearly asked including Tacit who was sitting down on the ground nearby after getting repaired.

"Gipsy Danger will be fine. But she was damaged heavily on her side." Hermann said.

"Will she be okay?" Mako asked.

"She'll be fine." Newt answered. "She's stable at least."

"Can we go see her?" Raleigh then asked.

"Best bet is to let her rest." Newt said whilst taking off his glasses and cleaning them. "She's amazing to watch, her Jaeger body, it has some of her human aspects to it.."

"You mean like a..." A solider cut off awkwardly.

"NO!" Both Hermann and Newt yelled at the same time.

"What Newt meant." Hermann growled. "Was that her body is healing herself, much like ours but much faster."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was picking fights with Coyote or Striker by tomorrow." Newt added on while Striker and Coyote crossed their arms in annoyance.

"Gee thanks." Striker grumbled. 

Crimson and Cherno on the other hand laughed while Sierra and Tacit remained silent. However soon they went to go to sleep. Tacit stood silently in his hanger bay and powered down while the humanized jaegers slept in their beds.

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