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Striker was lowered down into his hanger bay as J-tech personnel scrambled to repair his damage, however Striker's damage was slowly healed itself and the J-tech personnel were busy repairing his ripped off T-16 angel wing to reattach it to his body. 

Gipsy looked over at Tacit who had bandages wrapped around his chest from when the kaiju had stabbed him. 

"You alright?" Tacit asked suddenly and Gipsy just silently nodded in response.

"I'm fine." She said but Tacit knew otherwise but didn't say anything. "Big jerk actually saved me." Gipsy murmured to herself as Tacit walked off.

However she thought of something else, rather someone. She remembered from the drift that Raleigh and Yancy had a younger sister but she didn't know her name.

 "Hey Raleigh." Gipsy called out.

"Yeah, Gips?" Raleigh asked looking at her and Gipsy motioned for him and Yancy to come over to her.

"What is it?" Yancy asked.

"Do you guys have a younger sister?" Gipsy said and both Raleigh and Yancy nodded.

"Her name was Jazmine but we had a falling out with her shortly after our mother died." Yancy said. "She clocked Raleigh good in the head with a hairdryer."

Raleigh just nodded in agreement. "But we don't know what happened to her after that." Raleigh said.

"Oh." Gipsy said simply.

"But I remember hearing somewhere that she went off grid." Yancy then said and Gipsy silently sighed in disappointment.

"So if someone were to go find her it would be like finding a needle in a haystack?" Gipsy asked and her pilots just nodded silently.

Gipsy then walked away her head hung low. However that's when she looked at Sierra and was about to ask him about something, but then she realized that he was was talking with his pilots.

 However, she noticed Crimson looking at Striker as his repairs were being finalized. 

"I can't believe the big jerk saved me still." Gipsy said walking up to him.

"Well you know he's kinda had a crush on you." Crimson answered.

"Say... WHAT!?" Gipsy demanded.

"What? You were the only female Jaeger in our strike team. We've all kinda... had our moments except for Tacit." Crimson said. "When we were awake of course. Me and Striker both woke up once and at the same time and we reached our fields out towards you. That was entertainment."

Gipsy blushed and she brushed a red bang behind her ear. "If Striker still does I do not know." Crimson added. "He does say that you are annoying but you do say the same thing about him."

"Cause he is!" Gipsy snapped. "Arrogant blowhard Kaiju butt."

"Aw, look now she's insulting him." Coyote teased.

"SHUT UP!" Gipsy screeched.

"Gipsy and Striker sittin' in a tree..." Crimson started.

"I'm warning you..."

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." Cherno teased.

"Stop it..." Gipsy hissed as she started to slip into her halfway form.

"First comes love... then comes marriage..." Coyote added.

"THAT'S IT!" Gipsy snarled.

"THEN COMES STRIKER WITH A BABY CARRIAGE!" The three boys screamed as Gipsy chased after them. Yancy meanwhile started laughing and shook his head as he watched Gipsy after the three boys.

Mako then came up and looked at him. "Do I know you?" She asked.

"No Miss Mori... you don't." Yancy chuckled. Hours later a strong kick woke Chuck from his sleep. The ginger looked over to his right to where Striker's tall, slender frame was sprawled out on his own bed.

Striker let out a whimper as his copper-red head twisted from side to side. Max the bulldog whined licked Striker's hand which was sticking out of the sheets as Chuck woke up his father.

The two then went over to their nightmare ridden family member. Striker let out a soft cry as he got tangled in his sheets, and falling out of his bed and onto the cold floor.

Where he lay twitching, eyes squeezed shut. "Striker." Herc started putting a hand on his adopted son. "It's just a nightmare, easy."

"C'mon mate." Chuck murmured also putting his hand on the Jaeger. "Wake up."

Striker let out a yell and be shot up, his golden eyes wide in fear. "Ch-Chuck?" He stammered. "D-dad? I mean... Herc?"

"We're right here, Striker." Chuck answered. "Max too."

The bulldog barked once and climbed onto the trembling mark V, licking his chin. Striker winced as Max stepped on his sore arm, but he patted his dogs head away.

"I... I want to say thank you for being here with me." Striker murmured. "Don't... don't leave me."

Chuck knew what the nightmare that had struck the mark V was about. "We'd never do that, Striker." Chuck said. "You're family, and family stays together."

Both Hansen's hugged the mark V and Striker closed his eyes contently and soon fell asleep. After Herc lay Striker down on his bed he and Chuck returned to their own beds and went back to sleep.

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