- her fall -

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[ daeun pov ]

It was too quiet in my room. Too much silence to allow my thoughts and questions about Jacob to take over. The more I wonder the more I doubt myself, and feel self conscious. But I know that's the last thing Jacob would want so there must be some other reason why he's being so vague.

Instead I came to the library, the Harry Potter esc setting helps me focus as I sit at one of the wooden tables writing an essay.

I have earbuds in so I don't hear a girl and a boy sit on the far end of the table, but I can still hear them talking.

"Did you hear that Daeun got rejected by Jacob?" The boy says, and I can't help but pause my music to listen in.

"What? Wasn't she acting all high and mighty after getting in with the popular friends?" the girl says.

"Getting confidence is different than acting high and mighty," the boy laughs.

"Hm same difference. If I were her I would never risk a friendship with someone like Jacob. That was pretty stupid of her." the girl adds.

"I agree," the boy says.

"I mean at this point she's just being clingy. Like what more could you want? Daeun has everything now. She's top of the class, popular friends, and slightly above average looking," the girl says.

"Slightly above average?" The boy asks.

"Yeah, my friend and I were discussing it. Maybe with some surgery she could be-"

the girl's voice is cut off when someone leans against the back of my chair and reaches over my head to resume the music. It drowns out the gossiping but I rip out my earbuds to see the culprit.

Sunwoo of course.

His presence alone silences the two on the other side of the table as he takes the seat next to me.

Sunwoo glances at them sternly with his eyes slightly narrowed. The two students look him up and down, the girl frowning back.

"Sunwoo," I tap his hand, he looks like he's about to unleash his demons.

The girl gets up and drags the boy with him and they disappear behind the bookshelves.

"What was that for??" I ask.

"What do you mean? Did you not hear the things they said??" Sunwoo glares at me.

"Hey lower your voice there are people around here," I remind him.

He clears his throat and softens his voice a bit. "Anyway. what are you doing?"

"Homework," I tell him.


"Did you need something?" I ask.

"No," Sunwoo rests his head in his hand.

"okay..." I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.

"I thought you would be doing something more fun," Sunwoo says quietly.

"You thought wrong." I say. "Shouldn't you be working? We have an essay,"

Sunwoo pauses, "I'll do it later,"

"You could study for something else," I suggest, then remember that he doesn't study he just memorizes the answers keys.

"mhm," sunwoo flicks something invisible off the table.

"Okay what's going on with you?" I turn my full attention to him.

"Nothing." Sunwoo says.

"Well I was gonna go back to my dorm so," I start packing my things.

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