Chapter 27

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The days had seemed to get shorter and Nicole began to question how much time she had left with the rest of the band. Nobody had told Julie and they hoped to keep it that way for as long as possible. Nicole didn't really agree with the idea and thought that Julie deserved to know but she didn't bother arguing. Her and Reggie were sat in the Molina main house at the dinner table watching as Ray worked. "Ooh, I like this one. It's got a good composition buddy." Nicole smiled at Reggie's antics, she didn't really understand why he loved hanging out with Ray so much but she supposed it was almost like a parental figure thing and he just missed an adult figure in his life. "I'm going to be really sad if they sell this house, it's so beautiful." Reggie hummed in agreement not really paying attention. Alex poofed in and it took all of Nicole's might not to fall off of her chair. "Whatcha you doing?" He linked his fingers together on the table. "Eh I needed a pick me up and hanging with Ray always does the trick." Nicole sniggered at the look on Alex's face. "Does it?" Nicole slapped him on the arm signalling for him to shut up before he hurt Reggie's feelings. Carlos walked into the room with his iPad. "I have a ghost update." Nicole looked rather amused in her seat ready to watch this unfold. "Really? Come on Carlos, we've talked about this."

After the rather amusing conversation about a talented ghost chef and French dips the three ghosts decided to head back the garage. Luke was sat on the sofa, staring into nothing. Nicole sat beside him, linking their hands together. "You okay?" He only hummed in response still not averting his eyes. "Hey what's up? Talk to me." She gave him a slight nudge of encouragement. "Can you come with me to say goodbye to my parents?" Nicole froze. To say goodbye. The words echoed in her head. Goodbye. He would be gone soon, the worst part is they didn't know when. She swallowed the lump in her throat and within seconds they were stood outside Luke's house. They didn't expect to see Julie about to ring the doorbell.

"Luke? Nicole?" They both stared in confusion. "What are you doing here?" Luke took a defensive step forward and Nicole made sure to keep hold of his hand, just in case. "Ok, look. I-I just wanted to know more about you, you know, just curious. Um, so I came here last week on your birthday." Nicole felt Luke tense in her grip and wrapped her arm around his waist to keep him calm. Julie looked upset that she had hurt Luke. "You were spying on me? Even after all your speeches about boundaries? You were spying on me?" Julie looked to Nicole for help, her eyes practically begging her to be on her side. "Don't look at me Julie, it was wrong, you shouldn't of done it." The Molina girl sighed and dropped her arms to her sides. "I know. I'm sorry, it was wrong. But I'm worried about you. We all are." Luke glanced down at Nicole who had now stepped next to him rather than behind him. She quickly looked away, trying to avoid his eyes. "You don't have to be, none of you." Nicole opened her mouth to speak but no words came out so she closed it again. "I get it. I know how hard it is when you want to speak to someone you love and can't. I feel that way everyday." Julie's words hit Nicole like a knife. She hadn't visited her parents apart from the first night of her afterlife. She didn't feel the need to, she knew she had things to tell them but things that she could never put into words. Like Julie said, she wouldn't be able to anyway. She was dead and they weren't and that's how it always had been. "I don't even know what I'd say to her, even if she could hear me." Nicole and Julie shared a look. Nicole was there when Luke had written 'Unsaid Emily' it was one of her favourites, she knew how much hard work Luke had put into the song and it was a shame Emily had never gotten to hear it. "Yes you do, you've already said it." Julie held out the piece of paper that had the song written on it and Nicole watched as Luke's face dropped.

Watching Luke's father open the door was like a slap in the face, his skin had gotten older and saggier but he hadn't changed one bit. The Pattersons had always been extremely nice to Nicole, it was her second home whenever she needed an escape. She couldn't even comprehend how hard it was for Luke. She felt him grab her hand and pull her closer to him. She gave him an encouraging smile as they steeped into the house. As Emily and Mitch read the lyrics on the page Nicole could almost hear the song playing in her head. Her and the band had stayed up endless nights practising it over and over until Luke said it was perfect. She remembered the night he ran away so clearly and she was sure he did too.

Nicole sat at home, her parents were shouting and arguing downstairs so she had her music as loud as it would go to block out the sound. She was supposed to meet the rest of Sunset Curve in 5 hours for their show at the Orpheum theatre. Her phone rang from beside her. 'Luke' flashed across the screen and she picked it up immediately. "Hey, what's up?" She didn't hear anything for a second. "Nicole I really need you right now." She was off her bed and putting her shoes on within seconds. "Where are you Luke? I'll be as fast as I can." She cycled all the way there a million thoughts going through her head, the wind was blowing her hair into her face but she barely noticed. She needed to make sure Luke was okay. When she reached him, he was sat on the curb, head in hands and his bike and guitar had been tossed aside. "Luke?" He didn't move but she noticed the sniffle that came from him. "What happened?" He explained everything, his argument with his mother and how he had walked out. "I'm sorry, it must've been awful. I'm glad you called, mum and dad were arguing again, I have no idea what they consumed tonight." She sighed, shivering against the cold breeze. Luke stood up rather quickly, his eyes still trained to the ground. "You always have to make it about you." He let out an airy laugh as Nicole sat in confusion. "What? Luke I'm here to help you, I was just telling you what happened." He turned around so fast it could've given someone whiplash. "I don't really care Nicole okay? I just ran away from home and all you can say to me is something about your shitty home life that nobody cares about? Get over yourself Nicole." Nicole was angry, she had come to soothe him and make sure he was okay and this was how she was treated. "I dropped everything in a heartbeat to come and make sure you were okay! I know not everything is revolved around me, trust me I know that. Gosh your so irritating." It was his turn to scoff as he took a menacing step closer to her. "Then why are you here? If I'm so irritating, leave!" "You were the one that called me Luke!" She inched even closer to him, they're faces inches apart. "Leave Nicole, I don't need you." Nicole backed away teary eyed. "I hate you!"

She came back to the present when she heard crying. Luke was practically sobbing and Nicole was trying to hold herself for his sake. "You.. you have no idea." Nicole thought it was sweet how Mitch and Emily held each other, the way they loved one another. It had always been a relationship she looked up to and she was glad it was still the same till this day. Whilst Julie spoke to Lukes parents, Luke had pulled Nicole into him, wrapping himself around her like she was his life. She felt him mumble something into her neck but she didn't quite catch it. "What did you say? I didn't hear." He shook his head and placed a delicate kiss on her lips. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

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