Chapter 23

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When Luke and Nicole had returned, both teary eyed and red faced, they were met with their three friends. "Whoa, Julie." The pair collapsed into the sofa behind them, Nicole practically sitting on Luke's lap. Neither seemed to mind so she stayed put. Julie looked less angry than before so Nicole hoped that Alex and Reggie had managed to knock some common sense into her. "Grab your guitars we got some work to do." Nicole's grin reached her ears, she sped over to Julie engulfing her in a big. "Yes! I knew you wasn't stupid." Nicole felt Julie's laugh vibrate against her shoulder blade. Luke looked starstruck, his mouth opening only for it to close again. He was staring at Alex and Reggie in total disbelief as they stared back with the smallest of smiles. They knew. Nicole didn't have to be smart to figure that out. Neverless Nicole was excited to play music again. Finally coming to his senses Luke chuckled and grabbed his guitar. Nicole stood beside him with hers and she suddenly felt alive again. Everything she felt then, she felt now. It was like learning to play music all over again. It was addicting. "What made you come back?" Nicole internally groaned, he was going to mess this up if he asked too many questions. "I realised how important music is to all of us." Julie scanned the room with her eyes, finally settling them on Nicole. "And we've lost so much already, we can't lose this to." Luke's childish grin appeared and Nicole couldn't help but stare. It baffled her how a man could be so beautiful. "All right boss, where we at?" Nicole was practically jumping in her spot and across the room Alex laughs at her desperation to play some music. "I think Nicole might implode if we don't start playing soon." The room laughed and everyone realised this is where they belonged.

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."

The band had spent hours upon hours rehearsing their newest song. It was good, Nicole had to admit and she was really excited to play it live. Her and Luke had never been stronger, they were permanently attached and Nicole's feelings only grew stronger by the day. "Hey stranger." Nicole didn't look up from her sketch book, she just replied. "Hi." She felt the cushions shift in the sofa as someone sat next to her. "Whatcha drawing?" Before Nicole could protest he had already seen it. It was a drawing of Luke playing the guitar, she had gotten the random burst of inspiration after watching him play and figure out different tunes. He placed the sketch book down onto the table and looked directly into her eyes. Nicole was sure he was going to reject her and tell her that she just had a silly crush because he was older. Her heart was thumping in her chest she was sure it would fall out. Her breath hitched in her throat when his hand came to cup her face. He slowly leant in and she followed. Their noses were centimetres apart. "Is this okay?" Nicole simply nodded, not trusting her voice in that very moment. It was like a fire had been lit in her stomach. She smiled into the kiss as they both moved closer, enjoying every moment.

"Well I didn't expect that."

Nicole and Luke sat on the sofa rather uncomfortably as Alex stared them down. "Well? You gonna explain or what? I need the details." Nicole sighed, very frustrated with the situation. "Look Alex, there's nothing to explain okay? It just happened and you walked in. Nothing else." The blonde didn't look very convinced but decided not to pry when Luke sent him a glare. "Alright fine. Don't tell me." Nicole relaxed into the sofa before another thought popped into her head causing her jolt right up again. "Alex! You can't tell the others okay? Promise me Alex. Let this be our secret." Alex contemplated it but when he saw the distraught look on Nicole's face he caved in. He knew that she had waited years and years for this moment, he wasn't going to be the one to ruin it.

The night of the show finally arrived and everyone was bouncing with nerves. Nicole had spent hours picking the perfect outfit, something she rarely did. They had quickly popped into the venue to see the outcome and they were not disappointed, peoplenform all sorts of producing studios and music companies filled the seats. The four ghosts hadn't seen Julie for a while and decided to teleport themselves into her bedroom to see why she was taking so long. "The show starts in 20 minutes why's rent you ready?" Nicole made herself right at home and sat next to Julie on her bed staring at all the little nic nacs on her shelves. "I lied to my dad so now I'm stuck in my room all night." The boys looked at each other as if not not knowing what to say. "Yeah but we were just at the venue, it was like packed, vip's and managers everywhere." Julie sighed. "What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs." Nicole and Luke seemed to share an idea as they caught each other's eye and smiled. "Your aunt." Luke scoffed and made his way to the window, opening it. "Your not taking the stairs."

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