Chapter 14

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Nicole waited impatiently for Carrie Wilson to open the door to her home. Now that she knew what Bobby did she couldn't blame the boys for wanting revenge, she did too. Her and Luke had spent so many school nights writing songs, both escaping their homes for the night and being taken into the world of music. So much effort went into those songs and Bobby wasn't even present for half of the rehearsals and he had the audacity to steal their music and give no credit to the rest of them. When the door opened, Flynn and Julie greeted the girl with an awkward "Hey!" which made Nicole cringe. "What are you doing here? How'd you get over the security gate?" Nicole rolled her eyes again, she really didn't like Carrie, she was mean and asked too many questions. "Teamwork! Do you have a band-aid? The barbed wire's new." Julie tried playing it off and it sorta worked though Nicole was sure she could of come up with something better. She couldn't bare watching the awkward conversation any longer so she walked into the house, taking in everything. It was huge, there were platinum records and guitars and Bobby's face everywhere. Nicole was disappointed, to think that they could've all lived like this if they hadn't died. Everywhere she looked, she saw more and more of hers and Luke's songs, one caught her eye though. Beautiful Girl. Nicole had never heard of that one before. She shrugged her shoulders reminding herself to ask the boys about it later. She went up the stairs walking past Carries's boyfriend Nick, who definitely deserved better. The familiar sound of Alex's laughter is what brought her to the boys. Nicole cleared her throat loudly to grab the boys attention. "Let me out!" Alex moved away from the door he was holding shut and Bobby came rushing out. Nicole sucked in a breath, her eyes following the now,old man, as he ran away. She shook herself from her trance. "Are you guys done now?" Her hands were placed firmly on her hips and she had an eyebrow raised. Each boy let their head hang and nodded without making a sound and the four ghosts teleported to the garden. They watched Bobby's helicopter leave the house and Nicole sighed sadly. "Oh! Quick! Let's moon him before he get's too far away!" Nicole's eyes went wide and she very quickly turned around and shielded her eyes, she did not need to see any of that. "He can't see us." Nicole smiled proud of Alex for being the smart one. "Oh, it's not for him bro, it's for us." Nicole rolled her eyes at this, she didn't understand how she could possibly like this guy. Nicole took her hand away from her eyes and turned around praying she didn't see anything she didn't need too. "Did you guys have fun in there?" Nicole took a sigh of relief glad Julie was there to help her put the boys in check. "Ok, you'd do the exact same if he stole all your songs." Nicole shook her head, pulling a look of disgust and Luke caught her eye for a quick second before looking back to Julie. "But you have new songs, with me. The best way to get back at Trevor is for this band to do great." Nicole smiled and nodded her head hoping her opinion would count for something. "And to do great, we have to play at dances, then clubs." Nicole added, finally stepping forward. Luke looked at her now. "And tours, I know. Nicole aren't you mad at him for what he did? First off, he took advantage of you and second, that music was yours too, you helped write nearly everyone of those songs and your just gonna let that slip?" Nicole grabbed his hand. "I was angry but I realised there was no point, we can't change what happened and like I said, my revenge is going to be this band being better than it's ever been." She smiled and he reached up, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear before sighing. "That might be enough for you princess, but it isn't enough for me." He whispered so quietly that him and Nicole were the only ones to hear it. She sighed in defeat and moved as he dropped his hand from her face. "I'll see you guys at the school, we go on at 9." Nicole nodded her head and smiled. "Please don't be late, there's gonna be a lot of people there." Nicole nodded again. "We got it, all right? Don't worry." Julie left taking one last look at the ghosts before her eyes settled on Nicole. "Oh uh, I'll be with you in a bit, just gonna talk to the boys, I'll meet you in your room at 7:30 ok?" Julie nodded before walking back inside the house.

"I don't care what Julie says, I'm glad we scared Bobby, wish we'd done more like, written thief on his forehead." Nicole rolled her eyes, coming up to Alex's side and hugging his middle. She had missed Alex a lot. If Luke wasn't available, Alex would be the one she would run to, not at his house, because his parents weren't the best and they didn't like her very much, always saying that she helped influence Alex's bad behaviour because of Nicole's home life. He smiled down at her putting his arm around her shoulder. "Hey guys, I wanted to ask you something." The three boys looked at her and nodded as if telling her to carry on. "When I was walking through the house, I saw a platinum record for a song called 'Beautiful Girl', did you guys write that song?" Luke looked panicked, his eyes averting to the other boys of Sunset Curve. "Uh yeah, it was something I tried, don't worry about it, it's not important." Nicole nodded her head though she knew Luke was lying, he was playing with the bottom of his shirt, she had realised it when they were 8 and Luke told Nicole that he didn't punch Elliot Bingham in the face for dropping his lunch all over Nicole's brand new shoes. She knew it was a lie because Elliot walked past the two with an ice pack on his swollen eye.

"Alex how did you shut the door? You could barely open a garage door." Nicole smirked at the blonde boy. "Learned that from Willie, didn't you?" Reggie asked thinking the same as Nicole. Nicole jumped in excitement making the blonde boy blush. "Oh my god your in love! Your so lucky, I can never be in love now that i'm dead." Nicole's smile turned into a frown. She had realised that she had very strong feelings for Luke but he would never feel the same, so her shot at love was dead. "But oh my god Alex this could be amazing! You could be a power ghost couple!" Nicole caught Luke staring at her and she stopped in her tracks, staring at him too. "Yeah well, he taught me some things, and we screamed in a museum." Nicole turned back to Alex her smile bright. Her eyes twinkled in excitement. She was always a sucker for a love story. When she used to sneak into Luke's bedroom, she would always bring her dream folder with her. It was something Luke had suggested when she got her heart broken in 5th grade. It was a folder full of her dreams, her dream job, dream house, dream family, dream wedding. It was full of endless collages and mood boards and every time she snuck through Luke's window, she would talk for hours about how she was waiting for her Prince Charming to come and sweep her of her feet, little did she know that Luke wanted to be that Prince Charming. Both boys looked weirdly at Alex. "It's a long story." Nicole giggled and tossed her hair behind her shoulders. "You think he has a few more tricks up his sleeve?" Nicole furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Luke. "Luke? Can't you just drop this Bobby thing? I get that he stole our songs, your songs and they were personal and we worked hard on them but, you've already gotten your revenge, what if this leads to something bad?" Luke rolled his eyes at the blonde girl, he didn't understand how she was so normal about it. "No, it's not enough Nicole and if something bad happens, I'll deal with it, but I have so much anger towards Bobby, no amount of revenge will be enough." Alex gave her a look of sympathy and Reggie pulled a funny face to try and make her laugh. "Let's go find him."

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