Chapter 15

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The four ghosts teleported to a park near by. Nicole recognised it and wondered if her favourite skater would be around. As if on purpose, Willie showed up, clad in his skateboarding helmet, gliding across the pavement. Nicole smiled widely, the boy didn't get to see her often due to, work, and she missed him, he had helped her when she first arrived in the ghost world. He had eventually opened up about his work at the Hollywood Ghost Club and how he wanted to keep her away from all of it. "Hey! What's up man, you brought friends!" Nicole couldn't resist, and ran up to the boy engulfing him in a hug which confused the three boys she just stood by. "Nicole! Hey! I'm so sorry I didn't come to see you I was so bus-" Nicole waved her hand and interrupted her friend. "Willie, it's ok, I get it, I've been busy too." She sent the long haired boy a smile, stepping back to stand next to Luke. Alex looked between the girl and Willie in confusion. "Y-you two know each other?" He pointed his finger between the two making Nicole giggle. "Yes Alex, Willie was my first friend when I arrived here, he helped me out." Alex frowned, thinking his shots of getting with his new ghost friend had been lost but was quickly reassured when Nicole sent him a wink and mouthed the words 'he's all yours'. "Oh uh, these are my band mates uh, Luke and Reggie." Willie and Luke did some fist bump that Nicole was sure every boy in the world knew without even realising. "What's up, I'm Willie. So... you guys here to learn some 'tricks?'" He wiggles his hand and the sirens on the police bikes began to sound, distracting the officers. The sirens stop and the officers look around for the boys that had just left on their boards. Nicole laughed and watched with wide eyes. Reggie hit Luke's chest in excitement. "Do it again! Do it again!" Nicole grinned, he looked like a kid on Christmas Day. "Actually, we were thinking a little bigger." Nicole instantly frowned, she thought that Luke was too obsessed on his idea of revenge. Why couldn't he be happy with what he had already done? Nicole had learnt not to hold grudges, and though she had held one on Bobby for countless years she never acted on it and never planned too, but know she was finally able to perform again, all she had to do to get revenge, was to make sure this band was successful, more successful than Bobby will ever be. Luke looked back at the blonde girl for a second, contemplating his next words, he knew how the girl felt but he just couldn't let it go,not even for her.

"An old band mate stole from us and we wanna confront him face to face." Nicole sighed and decided to stand next to Willie. "All right, is this uh, old friend of yours a lifer?" Nicole smirked knowing that the boys wouldn't understand the fancy ghost lingo, besides Alex, maybe. Alex must of thought the same thing as she did as he spoke up, "Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living." His smile was wide as he spoke, Nicole had never been more happy for him, she remembers the night he told his parents about his sexuality and she remembers how he had come to the studio with tears down his face telling the girl he would never find love anywhere because of what he was, it hurt Nicole seeing Alex that way, but now, he might finally have a chance. "Ah! Then yeah, he's a lifer." Nicole nodded. "Too much of a fancy pants for street dogs." Nicole cringed slightly, her nose going up, it was still a sore subject. Reggie crossed his arms over his chest, Nicole had to hold back a snort, he was trying so hard to look casual that it was killing her. Willie sighed, looking down in defeat and Nicole thanked the heavens. "Yeah, I'm sorry, speaking to lifers is even out of my league." Willie looked down at Nicole, he had an idea, his eyebrows raised and his lips parted slightly. He looked at the disappointed looks of the boys and began speaking again, trying to not look at the blonde girl next to him. "You know,but there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He's kind of a big deal." Nicole's eyes went wide and she hit Willie on the chest with the back of her hand. "Are you insane?" She hissed. Why would he suggest taking the boys to Caleb when he said he wanted her out of it? What did they have that she didn't? Willies eyes softened at her and gave her an apologetic look before turning back to the boys. Luke's attention was all on Nicole as she was speaking to Willie. What did she know? How did she know the ghost that could help them? He noticed the look of hurt in her eyes which made him think that there was more to this ghost then just being a big deal. Despite all this, he turned back to Willie. "Literally, anything would help." Willie looked shocked that they had accepted his offer and his eyes traveled to the small blonde beside him thinking about how he had hurt her feelings. "Oh, all right. Well, I've gotta go take care of somethings, but I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock." Luke nodded as Willie put his helmet back on and began riding off glancing at the group once more. The four ghosts waited a few minutes. Nicole was the one to break the silence. "It's 7:30, I need to go." Before she could leave, Luke grabbed her arm. He knew the girl was angry. "What, Luke?" She looked up at him. "Are you okay? When Willie mentioned that guy, it seemed like you knew who he was talking about." Nicole let out a breath. "All I know is that he's bad news alright? Don't trust what he says and don't let him get to your head. Just promise me that, Luke." She stared into his eyes wanting to make sure his words were truthful. "I promise, princess." He pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head lightly before letting her poof away, leaving him standing alone, Reggie and Alex, a few steps behind.

Nicole sat on Julies bed as the girl looked through her mums old trunk of clothes. "Oh I likes those pants." Nicole pointed to the pants that lay over the edge of the trunk, probably thrown there whilst Julie looked for something to wear. "Ok, let me go and get dressed and then we can go, Flynn's already there." Nicole simply nodded. She had already changed into her outfit for the dance, Julie had told her to get ready first knowing she would need help with her outfit which would take much longer. Nicole waited patiently for the girl to get ready, admiring the stuff in her bedroom. It was nothing like Nicole's old room. Julies room was more girly, more her age appropriate. Nicole's room had posters of all sorts of bands, and fairy lights draped across her walls, there was also one wall covered top to bottom with photos of her and the boys or photos that Luke would take of her without her noticing with the camera she had bought him one Christmas. They were her best memories and she felt they needed to be shown, of course, her mother and father would complain about it, how those boys were just forcing Nicole to waste her life but as always, Nicole never listened.

Julie eventually came out of the bathroom, now fully dressed and Nicole let out a small gasp. "Julie you look amazing!" Julie looked at the blonde girl nervously. "You think so?" Nicole nodded her head with a wide smile on her face. "Thank you, not just for this but uh for everything, helping me deal with the boys. It's nice to have another girl around and I'm happy you made it here Nicole." Nicole smiled and sniffled slightly. She wanted desperately to give the human girl a hug but she knew she couldn't. "Ok let's get this party started! We have a dance to go too!"

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