Chapter 21

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After spending several hours moping around the studio, Nicole was officially bored. The boys had yet to return and she had no idea where they were, somewhere causing havoc no doubt. Julie should be home soon, maybe they could have some bonding time. Little did Nicole know that the three boys where at her old house looking for answers. They had all agreed not to tell either of the girls about their weird jolt thingies as they weren't quite sure what they were yet, Luke was still convinced it was just their bodies working through things after eating all the food, the others weren't so easily convinced.

The three boys soon appeared at the studio, Nicole's red diary in Luke's hand. "Where did you get that?" She panicked as soon as she saw the red leather cover. "We wanted answers Nicole and if your not gonna give them to us we'll find out ourselves." Nicole tried to grab the book from Luke's hands but he had an advantage because of how much taller he was than her. "Luke this isn't funny please give it back." Again, she tried grabbing the book but failed. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the three boys, she never thought they would go through her personal belongings, if they read a single page of that book their friendship could be ruined forever, they would never look at her the same. "Luke, please." She begged him and watched as all three of their eyes softened, suddenly regretting ever taking Nicole's diary in the first place. Luke hesitantly gave it back to Nicole, their fingers touching for a split second. When the book was back safe in her arms Nicole let out a sigh of relief. "Why would you do that? I already told you that I didn't want you to know, why isn't that enough?" Nicole spoke quietly, her voice small as she looked into each boys' eyes. "I'm sorry Nicole." She looked at Alex, he looked sincere with his words, he was nervously biting his nails. Her face softened and she went over to him pulling his fingers from his mouth. She nodded her head and smiled which seemed to relax him a small bit. She looked over to Reggie and Luke who both looked like kicked puppies. "I didn't mean to, I was curious because your like my little sister ya know? I wanted to make sure that you were ok before you , you know, died." Reggie didn't make eye contact with her at all but Nicole couldn't stay mad, Reggie was someone she shared a lot with, someone she confided in when she needed to and he did the same, he was the brother she never had but always wanted. "It's ok Reg, I understand." His face lit up at the words, pulling the small blonde girl into a bear hug in excitement. She eventually pulled away looking Luke dead in the eyes. "What about you? Why were you so interested in my death Luke?" He avoided any eye contact with her, averting his eyes all over the room as though her eyes were cursed. It's not like he could just admit his feelings for her there and then and that he is so interested in her death because he's afraid that she did something stupid because she was grieving. He didn't want to admit that it kills him inside that she's even here with them but also brings him so much joy. He couldn't admit that he had been in love with her for years now but never had the guts to make a move. He couldn't tell her because she would never feel the same, and that would absolutely crush him,knowing the girl he had loved for so long doesn't love him back. If only he knew how in love Nicole was with him.

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