Chapter 6

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The boys and Nicole proofed themselves back to the Molina garage. Nicole sat on the sofa her feet curled up under her and her song journal resting on her lap. Luke and Reggie were playing catch with Alex's drum sticks whilst Alex sat on the floor, sulking because he couldn't get them back. "Alex if I here you whine more time I will not hesitate to snap those sticks in half, Luke, Reggie give Alex his drumsticks before I snap you in half." Nicole spoke sternly and each boy instantly did as told whilst Nicole didn't even lift her head as she stared at the scribbled out lyrics on her page. Luke came and sat next to her on the couch, trying to look at her journal and each time she would pull it away she would pull it back. "Your not gonna actually snap us in half, right?" Nicole looked up at Reggie and her eyes softened, she just couldn't be mad at him. "Of course not Reg, you were just giving me a headache, which is weird by the way, and I was trying to concentrate." His usual giddy smile appeared on his face and he walked away with a small hop in his step.

Luke let out a loud huff throwing his arms dramatically down on the couch. Nicole carried on scribbling in her journal. Luke huffed again. Nicole rolled her eyes, attention seeker. He went to let out another huff but Nicole stopped him. "I swear to god one more sound comes out of your mouth I will sow it shut." He looked at her with his puppy eyes. Damn you Luke. He knew that she couldn't resist them. She remembers in 7th grade there was a girl Luke really liked but he was too much of a wuss to ask her out and he kept begging Nicole to do it and every time she would say no until he pulled out the puppy eyes, turns out the girl was a complete attention seeking brat but either way, Nicole couldn't resist the eyes. "I'm bored! I thought the after life would be more fun than this." Nicole gave him a pointed look. "That is false, you didn't know there would even be an afterlife." She pointed at him with her pen. He stood up from the couch. "We should look in Julies room!" Alex and Reggie turned around at this, both looked intrigued. Nicole knew that boys only heard things if it was to do with snooping or getting themselves in trouble. "No! That's invading her privacy! I wouldn't want you snooping around my room." All three boys looked at her. "Nicole, we pretty much lived in your bedroom anyway, we know what's in there." She rolled her eyes at this, she couldn't deny it because it was true, she even put an extra set of Chester drawers in her room so all the boys could put their own clothes in there because she was fed up of finding Luke's random t-shirt and Reggie's flannels in her bedroom or Alex's random sock.

Before she could protest any further, the boys had already thrown her an apologetic glance and poofed out. She cursed to herself before poofing herself to Julies room. Why were boys complete morons? Alex was looking at Julies pictures that were scattered around her bedroom. Luke was trying to open a box that was obviously a dream box, Nicole would know, she had one. She wasn't sure how she had managed to keep it away from the very nosy boys she unfortunately, called her best friends. It's not like she hid it very well, it was at the bottom her Chester drawers buried under her (Luke's) hoodies. Reggie was spread out on Julies bed and Nicole couldn't help but laugh at how peaceful he looked. "Guys we're overstepping, let's just leave-" The door to Julie's bedroom opened and Nicole turned around wide eyes. "What are you guys doing in my room?" All the boys heads snapped to Julie whilst Nicole sent glares to each one. A string of "Uh's" sounded throughout the room. "We were looking for the kitchen?" Nicole slapped Luke's arm as his face looked panicked. Reggie pointed to him, agreeing with what he was saying. "This... this can't happen. It's creepy." Nicole threw her hands up in the air dramatically before pointing to the human girl in agreement. "Thank you! That's what I told them. But did they listen? No of course not, nobody listens to the one that is always right!" Julie smiled towards the blonde quickly before averting her eyes back to the idiotic teenage ghosts. "Could you get off my bed, please?" Reggie jumped off of her bed standing next to Nicole with a small smile on his face.

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